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Bulk ticket uploader

The bulk ticket uploader enables you to upload multiple tickets from a CSV file to DevRev. It's useful when migrating tickets from a third-party system to DevRev or creating tickets in bulk from a CSV file. The CSV file supports the following columns:

1 Title,Description,Owners,Part,Tags
2 Front page not loading,"This is a sample ticket body with “” quotes",DEVU-1,PROD-1,frontend
3 APIs returning errors,"The user.get API is returning 500",DEVU-2,PROD-2,backend

The Part, Tags, Description, and Owners columns are optional.


If the CSV lists multiple owners, only the first is set as the owner in the DevRev ticket.

For detailed information about DevRev tickets, refer to Tickets.

Validations while creating tickets

The following validations are done while importing or creating a ticket in DevRev:

  • A maximum of 50 tickets can be created at once. If more than 50 tickets are listed in a CSV file, the system doesn't upload any tickets.
  • The title field is mandatory. Rows with blank titles are skipped.
  • A ticket isn't created if a part or user ID mentioned in a row doesn't exist. Other tickets aren't impacted by this.
  • If the CSV lists multiple owners, only the first is set as the owner in the DevRev ticket.

How to use bulk ticket uploader

  1. In the Discussion tab of an account, ticket, or part, enter /upload_tickets. A Ticket Creator Bot appears.

  2. From the Select tickets' owners (max 1) drop-down menu, select the ticket's owner name.

  3. From the Select a part to assign to tickets drop-down menu, select a part for the tickets. If the bulk ticket upload is done using a part, the part is automatically selected.

  4. In the Customer ID drop-down menu, select from the available workspaces associated with this account. If the bulk ticket upload is done using an account, the relevant workspaces are shown in the Customer ID drop-down menu.

  5. To upload the CSV file, click Upload, browse, and select the file. The CSV file is uploaded.

  6. Click Submit.

    The Ticket Creator Bot processes the CSV file and creates tickets with the defined parameters. The newly created tickets are listed displaying the ticket number and title.