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DevRev enables the creation and use of templates to accelerate record creation and help creators share information effectively. Currently, DevRev supports templates for issues, tickets, and articles at the workspace level.

Manage templates

To create, edit, use, and delete templates, go to Settings > Templates

Creating templates

  1. Click + Templates.

  2. Enter a Name (required) and an optional Description for the template.

  3. Select the Object Type (Article, Issues, Tickets) under which the template will be categorized.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Preset fields based on the selected template type are displayed. You can customize these by adding additional attributes if necessary.


Currently, all users can create, edit, and use templates.

Editing templates

To edit or delete a template, navigate to Settings > Template. Under the Action column, select Edit or Delete.

Using templates for tickets and issues

  1. Click + in the record creation panel at the top of the DevRev app main page, and select either Ticket or Issue.
  2. Click the template icon next to the Select Subtype drop-down menu and select a template. The selected template is applied to the object.

Using article templates

  1. Click Settings > Knowledge Base > View Templates. A modal opens, showing a list and preview of the available templates.
  2. Select a template and click Use Template. The article opens with the template information applied.