AI use cases in DevRev

As an AI-native platform, DevRev's AgentOS leverages AI to provide value to customer support and product development staff. The following are some of the uses of AI in AgentOS.

  • Summary slash command: Generates summaries for internal and external discussions.

  • Customer email summary: Provides a summary of initial customer emails on tickets.

  • Spacebar summaries: Offers quick summaries of the Updates page, account records, and conversations.

  • Ticket and issue clustering: Groups similar tickets and issues together for easier management.

  • AI-generated enhancement descriptions: Creates detailed descriptions for enhancements based on the titles and descriptions of the enhancements and the linked objects.

  • Request classification: Differentiates between bugs and feature requests on tickets.

  • Turing AI on PLuG: Enhances the following functionalities:

    • Conversation: It deflects customer queries using your knowledge base, providing accurate and relevant responses.
    • Search: It summarizes your search results, making information retrieval more efficient and user-friendly.
  • Turing assist: Recommends relevant articles and similar work items.

  • Slack tickets: Automatically generates titles and descriptions for tickets created from Slack conversations.

  • Sentiment evaluation: Analyzes the sentiment of conversations and tickets.

  • Q&A generation: Creates Q&A content from resolved conversations.