Personalized workflows.
Without any middleware.
Workflows that adapt to your needs
Eliminate the need for third- party tools by utilizing customizable automations, 1- click data transformations, and seamless integrations

Tailored workflows for peak performance
Visualize, experiment with, and architect workflows using AI designed for you
Flexibility with NLP prompts, high code, and no-code
With NLP prompts, creating workflows is now as simple as writing a sentence

Flexibility with NLP prompts, high code, and no-code
With NLP prompts, creating workflows is now as simple as writing a sentence

Pre-built library
Use our pre-built workflow AI nodes for search, clustering, summarization, sentiment analysis, and much more

Pre-built library
Use our pre-built workflow AI nodes for search, clustering, summarization, sentiment analysis, and much more

Unrestricted conditions
Enable even the most complex if/then statements with non-limiting conditional nodes
Unrestricted conditions
Enable even the most complex if/then statements with non-limiting conditional nodes
Build with an extensive knowledge graph
Create deeper workflows that can trigger actions across your entire people, product, and customer knowledge graph

Build with an extensive knowledge graph
Create deeper workflows that can trigger actions across your entire people, product, and customer knowledge graph

Flexibility with NLP prompts, high code, and no-code
With NLP prompts, creating workflows is now as simple as writing a sentence

Flexibility with NLP prompts, high code, and no-code
With NLP prompts, creating workflows is now as simple as writing a sentence

Pre-built library
Use our pre-built workflow AI nodes for search, clustering, summarization, sentiment analysis, and much more

Pre-built library
Use our pre-built workflow AI nodes for search, clustering, summarization, sentiment analysis, and much more

Unrestricted conditions
Enable even the most complex if/then statements with non-limiting conditional nodes
Unrestricted conditions
Enable even the most complex if/then statements with non-limiting conditional nodes
Build with an extensive knowledge graph
Create deeper workflows that can trigger actions across your entire people, product, and customer knowledge graph

Build with an extensive knowledge graph
Create deeper workflows that can trigger actions across your entire people, product, and customer knowledge graph

Drive collaboration with extensible workflows
Leave behind separate tools to stitch automations. Create workflows that span across apps, meeting your teams on the tools they’re already using.
Take the ‘work’ out of creating workflows
Time to create workflows
Out-of-box actions and triggers
Process unlimited events
Everything you need to build and customize workflows that work for you
Support multiple triggers in single workflow
Add your own actions and triggers
See runs for each instance of your worklow
Use pre-built templates for your use case
Build both high- code and low-code automations
Connect automations with all your tools
Use AI nodes in your workflows
Test and debug your workflows before deployment
Create re-usable workflows
Build Auto- Escalations
Resource Allocation