Ticket-SLA Analytics

  • SLA applied Tickets

    Number of tickets where SLA is applied.

  • SLA compliance rate

    Percentage of tickets where SLA was met out of all tickets where SLA is applied.

  • Active tickets with SLA breaches

    Number of Active Tickets that breached an SLA.

  • Tickets with SLA warning

    Number of Active Tickets that about to breach an SLA.

  • Resolution compliance rate

    Percentage of tickets where Resolution SLA was met out of all tickets where Resolution SLA is applied.

  • First Response compliance rate

    Percentage of tickets where First Response SLA was met out of all tickets where First Response SLA is applied.

  • Next Response compliance rate

    Percentage of tickets where Next Response SLA was met out of all tickets where Next Response SLA is applied.

  • SLA compliance rate

    Percentage of tickets where SLA was met, missed, or still in progress out of all tickets where SLA is applied.

  • SLA breaches by Customer tier

    Number of Tickets where SLA was breached distributed over customer type and severity.

  • SLA Breached Tickets per Customer

    Number of Tickets with SLA breaches for each customer.

  • SLA breaches by Channel

    Number of tickets where SLA was breached for each source channel.

  • SLA breaches by Subtype

    Number of tickets where SLA was breached for each ticket subtype.

  • SLA breaches by Owner

    Number of Tickets with SLA breaches for ticket owners.

  • Avg CSAT by SLA status

    Average CSAT rating of tickets w.r.t. their SLA status and severity.

  • Unassigned Tickets with SLA breaches per Customer

    Number of Unassigned Tickets with SLA breaches for each customer.