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Support App Essentials
WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.050 --> 00:00:01.099 Naomi Chatterjee: If you need to 2 00:00:02.800 --> 00:00:19.739 Naomi Chatterjee: perfect. So today's session is on the Dev support app, and it is going to primarily focus on the admin side of things. So we look at the different features and functionalities within our support app. But then we will also be getting into the settings and configuration as well. 3 00:00:19.940 --> 00:00:48.009 Naomi Chatterjee: So here's our agenda for the day. We'll go ahead and start with a quick introduction on. Why, Devrav, and what is our unique proposition? We'll get into the platform. Do a quick orientation. We look at the customer experience so essentially how we want to structure the session E is we look at? What are our customers looking at when you sign up with Dev. Rev. And then we look at the different elements that make up that customer experience and how to configure it within. Dev. 4 00:00:48.730 --> 00:01:01.520 Naomi Chatterjee: We look at what our tickets. We'll talk about omni-channel support within. Dev, we look at Sla's and analytics as well as touch on AI within dev Rev. And how we leverage AI 5 00:01:03.380 --> 00:01:11.930 Naomi Chatterjee: before we go ahead and get started. I would like to know from the group here. Is there anything in particular that you would like me to cover, that you don't see on the agenda right now. 6 00:01:15.070 --> 00:01:17.089 Justin Delos Santos: None from my side. 7 00:01:17.470 --> 00:01:19.250 Alpesh Gohil: Same here, none from my side. 8 00:01:19.880 --> 00:01:29.080 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright perfect. Let us go ahead and get started and talk quickly about why Debrav, so before we jump into the actual platform. 9 00:01:29.320 --> 00:01:43.860 Naomi Chatterjee: I wanna quickly touch on, you know, as we were starting to build out devf we noticed that there was an opportunity for a future where developers and builders and customers could come close like never before. So 10 00:01:43.920 --> 00:01:49.959 Naomi Chatterjee: our goal here is to help create the Earth's most customer centric community companies. 11 00:01:50.280 --> 00:01:51.330 Naomi Chatterjee: Right? 12 00:01:52.400 --> 00:02:07.180 Naomi Chatterjee: now that brings us to the essential methodology. And this is something that the Raj, our co-founder, and CEO, advocates very strongly, and he talks about 3 essential virtues. That make up the essential methodology less 13 00:02:07.200 --> 00:02:29.520 Naomi Chatterjee: equal and better, and to actually quote the she says that less when we talk about less, he means less features, but delightful products, less activity, but more meaningful, outcomes, fewer meetings, but more human interventions, less process, but actionable conclusions, less chatter, but constant learning. 14 00:02:29.680 --> 00:02:49.959 Naomi Chatterjee: And then, when we talk about equal we believe that equal access is fair business. So we want to democratize customer and product knowledge for as many people as possible. Less noisy data and fewer notifications. But the insights should be equally spread across all of our surfaces. 15 00:02:49.960 --> 00:03:10.110 Naomi Chatterjee: which means that we want access to all customer and product data to all authorized people which makes for an equal organization. So no matter which team you are within an organization, you should have access to that same data which eventually will determine and drive your decisions as an organization. 16 00:03:10.390 --> 00:03:40.360 Naomi Chatterjee: And then, lastly, when we talk about better there. It says that deep work is a better employee. Experience. Machine allies enable deep human connections. But understanding what truly matters customers, products, and people is essentially what engenders real craft. Now you'll see this kind of represented throughout. Dev, we take these virtues very seriously, and you'll find that it is apparent within our platform as well. 17 00:03:41.489 --> 00:03:45.780 Naomi Chatterjee: Before we continue any thoughts questions on this particular methodology. 18 00:03:48.740 --> 00:03:49.520 Alpesh Gohil: None. 19 00:03:49.740 --> 00:03:50.750 Alpesh Gohil: we had none. 20 00:03:51.190 --> 00:03:51.820 Naomi Chatterjee: Great. 21 00:03:52.400 --> 00:04:09.350 Naomi Chatterjee: So let us go ahead and get started with the actual platform here. Now I know that. you know a couple of you are kind of just getting started with Devrav. But is anyone here that has never logged into Dev or will be logging in for the first time today. 22 00:04:13.550 --> 00:04:14.580 Alpesh Gohil: Nope. 23 00:04:14.750 --> 00:04:16.010 Alpesh Gohil: I've been using 24 00:04:16.160 --> 00:04:17.570 Alpesh Gohil: yeah dev 25 00:04:18.120 --> 00:04:19.769 Alpesh Gohil: for the last month or so. 26 00:04:19.790 --> 00:04:23.309 Alpesh Gohil: not in production, but still keep getting used to it. 27 00:04:24.070 --> 00:04:26.459 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, perfect. Justin, what about you? 28 00:04:26.650 --> 00:04:33.559 Justin Delos Santos: Yes, same I have been using there for a month, not really in depth, I would say, but been a month, yeah. 29 00:04:34.060 --> 00:04:37.990 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, perfect. So if you've already been able to log in 30 00:04:38.520 --> 00:05:00.639 Naomi Chatterjee: we'll do a quick platform orientation. Just so we're all on the same page, and if you have any questions about what you're seeing on the screen, we can dive into that. So to log into Dev. Rev. I'm sure you already know. But you would go ahead and a couple of ways to log in. One of the more common ways are, you can click into devrev.ai click on the login button right here. 31 00:05:00.710 --> 00:05:13.350 Naomi Chatterjee: and you have a few different options to be able to log in. You can continue with your email with Linkedin or with Google most of the time, you would have received an invitation email which you can just click into and set up your account 32 00:05:13.840 --> 00:05:19.890 Naomi Chatterjee: right now, once you've been able to log in, this is your this is your view 33 00:05:20.240 --> 00:05:34.790 Naomi Chatterjee: right? Now, on the top. Here we have, or on the left side. Rather, we have our left navigation menu, and this is where almost everything is held. So everything that you need within dev you should find within this menu. 34 00:05:35.010 --> 00:05:54.470 Naomi Chatterjee: As soon as you log in, you will immediately be taken to this update section right here, which shows you all of the work that needs your attention. So whether those are you know, tickets assigned to you, whether those are issues or opportunities, or really just any messages that require your attention. 35 00:05:54.470 --> 00:06:09.180 Naomi Chatterjee: you should be able to see that within this focused inbox called important. We also have the others inbox right here, where you can see any other conversations happening within your organization or within your team? That, you can click into and just kind of go through that 36 00:06:09.540 --> 00:06:10.520 Naomi Chatterjee: right. 37 00:06:10.931 --> 00:06:34.279 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, going back to our left navigation. Right on the top. Here you have your personal profile level settings. So you can go ahead and look at your details, you can change your status so as a support agent, we really encourage, or as a support, admin, rather encourage you to share with your agents that if they are not logged in to set their status as a way, or if they are to set it as online. 38 00:06:34.960 --> 00:06:48.710 Naomi Chatterjee: you can switch between different organizations. If you are a part of most of the most of the time, you might find that you're you're not really using this feature for me. You can see we have a couple of different demo environments set up which I can kind of switch into and toggle around. 39 00:06:49.080 --> 00:07:04.119 Naomi Chatterjee: You can change your settings. How you want to view your profile, you can select the dark light or auto option. Auto essentially means that when it's when it's brighter outside, it will be lighter, and when it's darker it changes to darker. 40 00:07:04.878 --> 00:07:09.180 Naomi Chatterjee: You can change a couple of settings options right here, log out. 41 00:07:09.200 --> 00:07:16.859 Naomi Chatterjee: and then we also have the settings bar which we'll get into. But this is kind of where most of your admin activities will be performed. 42 00:07:18.772 --> 00:07:28.730 Naomi Chatterjee: This plus icon right here allows you to create any new work item, whether those are tickets, issues, or or opportunities. 43 00:07:28.930 --> 00:07:35.400 Naomi Chatterjee: You can go ahead and add any details, and it's a quick shortcut for you to be able to start a new work. Item 44 00:07:36.280 --> 00:07:50.199 Naomi Chatterjee: we have Turing here. Turing is our AI enabled Chat Bot. So you can just click into that, or use the or use the the shortcut command, J, which would pull up Turing at the bottom right here 45 00:07:50.320 --> 00:08:09.557 Naomi Chatterjee: and here you can search for for anything. For example, you know articles that you've uploaded so you can type in a question you can look for work done by a particular person within a particular span of time. You can go ahead and create like custom lists. So, for example, 46 00:08:10.060 --> 00:08:13.110 Naomi Chatterjee: you know, you can type what is 47 00:08:14.380 --> 00:08:15.720 Naomi Chatterjee: effortless 48 00:08:16.210 --> 00:08:27.099 Naomi Chatterjee: and you can see that the demo environment I'm using is effortless. But actually, this environment is based off of Google's workspace. So I rather, I guess I should put Google 49 00:08:39.480 --> 00:08:54.970 Naomi Chatterjee: and you'll be able to see that any article that you've inputed Turing should be able to pull up that information for you. So there are a couple of comments right here that you can click into and we'll get into a little bit more about how to configure Turing. 50 00:08:55.240 --> 00:08:57.729 Naomi Chatterjee: We have the search feature here which allows. 51 00:08:57.730 --> 00:09:06.399 Alpesh Gohil: And nearly sorry to stop you. But where do you see this Aip? How do you get to it? Cause I don't see it in my instance, or you. 52 00:09:06.400 --> 00:09:10.429 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay. So on the top here, you should have this. Ask Turing. 53 00:09:11.320 --> 00:09:12.290 Alpesh Gohil: Okay. 54 00:09:12.560 --> 00:09:13.429 Naomi Chatterjee: Do you see it? 55 00:09:13.810 --> 00:09:15.100 Alpesh Gohil: Just a second 56 00:09:16.460 --> 00:09:17.910 Alpesh Gohil: security. 57 00:09:17.910 --> 00:09:20.880 Justin Delos Santos: Looks like it's not available on my side. So. 58 00:09:21.210 --> 00:09:23.079 Alpesh Gohil: Same. Here, yeah, yeah. 59 00:09:23.920 --> 00:09:26.450 Justin Delos Santos: Can configure differently. 60 00:09:27.040 --> 00:09:39.489 Naomi Chatterjee: Absolutely so in some organizations, again, depending on your workflow, you may or may not have it enabled. But I think you should have the option right here. So if you go into settings. 61 00:09:39.740 --> 00:09:45.300 Justin Delos Santos: Oh, yeah, I found it. Yeah. So this is enabled 62 00:09:46.014 --> 00:09:49.399 Justin Delos Santos: User level, not organization level. 63 00:09:50.530 --> 00:10:09.319 Naomi Chatterjee: It. It is ideally should be enabled at the organization level, because it also depends who you are within the environment. So depending on your roles and permissions, you will have access to certain settings. And certain settings will only be available to admins certain settings will only be available to users. 64 00:10:09.850 --> 00:10:14.820 Justin Delos Santos: For if I see during answers under settings, and I enable 65 00:10:14.880 --> 00:10:18.870 Justin Delos Santos: is this going to be only from for my side? 66 00:10:21.045 --> 00:10:42.769 Naomi Chatterjee: So again, I think ideally best practice here would be to have your have it enabled from your organization. So everyone has access to the same thing. But if there is a specific reason that you would want it enabled only for some people and not for others, we can work with our product team to see that use case. And you know what is the best workflow around that? 67 00:10:43.130 --> 00:10:44.150 Naomi Chatterjee: No, because right. 68 00:10:44.150 --> 00:10:51.879 Justin Delos Santos: No, it's it's turned off. So I go to settings. So I click settings. And there's Turing answers. 69 00:10:52.200 --> 00:10:52.770 Naomi Chatterjee: Yeah. 70 00:10:53.442 --> 00:10:56.130 Justin Delos Santos: And it's currently disabled. 71 00:10:56.220 --> 00:11:01.270 Justin Delos Santos: So if I enable this one, is it only going to be for me? 72 00:11:03.150 --> 00:11:05.530 Justin Delos Santos: Or is it going to be organization. 73 00:11:06.310 --> 00:11:10.359 Naomi Chatterjee: I'm gonna say it's only going to be for you, but I can confirm that. 74 00:11:11.704 --> 00:11:14.670 Justin Delos Santos: But I think most likely check. 75 00:11:14.840 --> 00:11:19.160 Justin Delos Santos: You can actually actually try to go to settings, and 76 00:11:19.520 --> 00:11:21.300 Justin Delos Santos: you should see it there. 77 00:11:22.290 --> 00:11:22.930 Naomi Chatterjee: Yep. 78 00:11:23.530 --> 00:11:28.009 Alpesh Gohil: So where is the setting for this? And Naomi? The Turing office is a different thing, right? 79 00:11:28.200 --> 00:11:29.889 Alpesh Gohil: It's not the same thing. Couldn't. 80 00:11:29.890 --> 00:11:34.779 Naomi Chatterjee: On the top left. Here you have the settings part which, if you click into 81 00:11:37.220 --> 00:11:38.450 Naomi Chatterjee: hold on 82 00:11:43.880 --> 00:11:51.520 Naomi Chatterjee: right. So if you click into and you scroll a little bit to the bottom, you should see Turing answers, and this is where you can kind of turn it on and off. 83 00:11:51.980 --> 00:11:59.030 Alpesh Gohil: Yeah, so it is turned on in my organization. But still I don't see that other view that you were showing to us just earlier. Right. 84 00:12:00.280 --> 00:12:01.620 Naomi Chatterjee: You don't see this bar right. 85 00:12:01.620 --> 00:12:04.446 Alpesh Gohil: No, I don't see this as Turing. 86 00:12:04.850 --> 00:12:06.419 Naomi Chatterjee: Let me make a note of that. 87 00:12:06.891 --> 00:12:10.270 Naomi Chatterjee: So I'll reach out to Emily and see if there's something we can do. 88 00:12:10.460 --> 00:12:13.419 Alpesh Gohil: Correct. So Emily has shown this view to us. 89 00:12:13.560 --> 00:12:18.690 Alpesh Gohil: and she said, They say it is coming and right from what you are showing us. It looks like it's already there. 90 00:12:19.336 --> 00:12:24.970 Alpesh Gohil: But then, yeah, I don't see a way to enable it. Maybe it's something that you need to turn it on on your back. End also. 91 00:12:25.930 --> 00:12:27.549 Naomi Chatterjee: It could be possible. Yeah. 92 00:12:27.760 --> 00:12:29.289 Naomi Chatterjee: yeah, I will see it this way. 93 00:12:29.290 --> 00:12:33.649 Justin Delos Santos: Well, even if I enabled, I don't see it as well on my side. 94 00:12:35.300 --> 00:12:36.530 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, cool. 95 00:12:37.810 --> 00:12:41.720 Naomi Chatterjee: Justin, do you know who? Your Csm is is that in India. 96 00:12:42.853 --> 00:12:47.550 Justin Delos Santos: I'm I am not really sure, so I guess I'll just bring it up to 97 00:12:47.610 --> 00:12:51.550 Justin Delos Santos: our director so he can ask if 98 00:12:52.233 --> 00:12:54.779 Justin Delos Santos: we actually need this or not. Yeah. 99 00:12:54.780 --> 00:12:56.280 Naomi Chatterjee: Yeah. Okay. 100 00:12:57.820 --> 00:12:58.660 Naomi Chatterjee: pool. 101 00:12:59.920 --> 00:13:01.899 Naomi Chatterjee: Any other questions on Turing? 102 00:13:03.770 --> 00:13:04.310 Naomi Chatterjee: Note? 103 00:13:04.310 --> 00:13:05.020 Justin Delos Santos: Thank you. 104 00:13:05.400 --> 00:13:21.500 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright. So we also have the search functionality right here which allows you to find you know you can search for tickets. You can search for accounts, contact spots, articles, question and answers really anything, and it should be able to pull that up. 105 00:13:22.075 --> 00:13:32.800 Naomi Chatterjee: And you can search. You can start a search from anywhere within the platform wherever you are, by just clicking on command. K, so that's a neat little shortcut that you can use. 106 00:13:33.540 --> 00:13:45.950 Naomi Chatterjee: So we spoke about updates. We spoke about my task now. On the left navigation menu, scrolling down, you have the option to switch between our different apps, which is support, build, and product 107 00:13:46.070 --> 00:14:02.740 Naomi Chatterjee: as well as customers. So this navigation might change in a couple of weeks. But support is mostly used by all of our support agents. Our customer facing teams build is used by our engineering and product teams. 108 00:14:03.472 --> 00:14:23.460 Naomi Chatterjee: And then we have customers right here, which is like kind of similar to a sales. Crm, so this is where your sales teams can track all of their prospects, all of their accounts. Any new customers that they're de working with? What sales stage the the account currently is in. So there are a lot of different options right here. 109 00:14:23.510 --> 00:14:48.139 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, what we really advocate for is anyone within your organization, regardless of which team they are in should have access to all of this information. So I could be a support agent and have the ability to click into to click into issues, to click into sprint post, to really see what's going on with my product team. I can also really click into accounts and see what's going on there with all of my sales. 110 00:14:48.636 --> 00:14:50.340 Naomi Chatterjee: With the sales teams. 111 00:14:50.590 --> 00:14:59.620 Naomi Chatterjee: Similarly, sales should be able to click into support, click into build. So everyone has full visibility of the entire life cycle of the customer 112 00:15:02.990 --> 00:15:04.500 Naomi Chatterjee: thoughts questions. 113 00:15:09.970 --> 00:15:30.889 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright. If we have no questions. I know everyone's already in the platform, but I would encourage you. Take 30 s. Just click in look at the net left navigation menu. If you have any questions you can. You can ask me and then also just go ahead and look at the search option, and then we'll talk about the plug in a bit. 114 00:15:45.400 --> 00:15:49.230 Naomi Chatterjee: Give me a thumbs up, or come off mute when when you're done. 115 00:15:58.950 --> 00:15:59.820 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright. 116 00:16:01.370 --> 00:16:02.780 Naomi Chatterjee: thank you, Alish. 117 00:16:10.500 --> 00:16:11.700 Justin Delos Santos: Yeah, I'm all done. Yeah. 118 00:16:11.950 --> 00:16:13.069 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, cool 119 00:16:13.400 --> 00:16:14.170 Naomi Chatterjee: now. 120 00:16:15.420 --> 00:16:33.570 Naomi Chatterjee: moving on what I really thought would be cool for us to do is start with a demo of what our customers experience and what your customers will experience when you sign up with Deborah, and then we look backward. We'll start working backwards and look at the different elements that make up this customer experience. 121 00:16:34.280 --> 00:16:41.560 Naomi Chatterjee: So 2 things that are unique to Devrav when you sign up with Debrav is the customer portal and plug. 122 00:16:41.750 --> 00:16:59.160 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, the customer portal is sort of an online platform that helps customers to be able to log in to use it as a help center to to create a ticket. Look at the progress on their tickets, manage their tickets and really interact with your support teams. 123 00:16:59.420 --> 00:17:10.870 Naomi Chatterjee: And this is a unique, URL. That will be set up for you as soon as you sign up with Deborah and it can be accessed through support.dev.ai slash the name of your organization. 124 00:17:12.690 --> 00:17:24.939 Naomi Chatterjee: the second option that we have is plug. Now, plug is sort of an in-app engagement center that is enabled within our platform within your website. 125 00:17:25.300 --> 00:17:41.860 Naomi Chatterjee: And again, this is kind of like a a widget that allows customers to click into. And this is something they can use to start a conversation with your support team. Or they can look up articles. And just you know, it's for ease of conversation and communication. 126 00:17:42.150 --> 00:17:55.859 Naomi Chatterjee: So let's look at what those portals actually look like. The first one is the customer portal which you can access through support.devra.ai slash the name of your organization. So I'm using this demo environment called effortless 127 00:17:56.694 --> 00:18:02.350 Naomi Chatterjee: and as an employee of effortless when I log in. This is my view 128 00:18:02.730 --> 00:18:05.339 Naomi Chatterjee: as a customer of effortless. 129 00:18:05.360 --> 00:18:10.660 Naomi Chatterjee: I will need to get into support.dev.ai slash effortless. And this is what I see. 130 00:18:11.110 --> 00:18:14.030 Naomi Chatterjee: So you will need to log in. 131 00:18:14.320 --> 00:18:32.660 Naomi Chatterjee: because, you know, we want to be able to track your tickets track your previous activity. And then also give you access to our help center. So this is where you know, as a customer, I can go in. I can search or ask any questions, and Turing will pull up information relevant, based on what has been fed to it. 132 00:18:33.820 --> 00:18:40.790 Naomi Chatterjee: Scrolling down, the customer can go ahead and create a ticket, or even just track all of their existing tickets. 133 00:18:43.340 --> 00:18:45.410 Naomi Chatterjee: Any questions on the customer portal? 134 00:18:49.640 --> 00:18:50.450 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay. 135 00:18:51.024 --> 00:18:54.815 Naomi Chatterjee: and the other one that they can use to track is 136 00:18:55.400 --> 00:19:00.440 Naomi Chatterjee: is the plug. Now let me show you what plug looks like on our website. 137 00:19:01.180 --> 00:19:10.247 Naomi Chatterjee: So if you are on dev.ai, if you look at the bottom right hand side here, you see this widget, which, if I click into opens up this 138 00:19:10.650 --> 00:19:13.619 Naomi Chatterjee: this little box for me, and this is what we call plug. 139 00:19:14.175 --> 00:19:23.909 Naomi Chatterjee: So plug is again. You can search for articles, use it like a help center, or use it to go ahead and initiate a conversation with your support team. 140 00:19:24.403 --> 00:19:35.400 Naomi Chatterjee: Through plug. We can only initiate conversations as of now, but the support agent can go ahead and look at the conversation within. Dev. Rev. And then convert it to a ticket if needed. 141 00:19:39.930 --> 00:19:40.600 Naomi Chatterjee: 8. 142 00:19:40.960 --> 00:19:42.900 Naomi Chatterjee: Any questions on that. 143 00:19:46.540 --> 00:20:07.339 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, now, let's look at a couple of settings and configuration for our customer portal and plug. So again, you want to go back into settings right here, and if you scroll down a little bit within support, you'll see we have these plug settings right here, which we can use to really define what this plug looks like for our customers. 144 00:20:08.040 --> 00:20:29.400 Naomi Chatterjee: So you have a couple of configuration options, including where it's visible, whether you want it to be visible on certain pages and not visible on certain others. What is the call to action that you want to define within your plug, so you can see we've defined. Send a message, but you can go ahead and change this as well. You can say instead, start a conversation. 145 00:20:31.420 --> 00:20:36.069 Naomi Chatterjee: And yeah, and once I click, save this should reflect on my portal as well. 146 00:20:39.390 --> 00:20:41.119 Naomi Chatterjee: gonna change it back 147 00:20:43.980 --> 00:21:02.078 Naomi Chatterjee: right and then you have a session recording here, which, if you've turned it on, what this does is allows you to be able to access the last 10 to 15 s of what your customer was doing on the platform before initiating a conversation. So you can use it to 148 00:21:02.610 --> 00:21:07.210 Naomi Chatterjee: so you can use it for more history and more context. 149 00:21:08.000 --> 00:21:08.980 Naomi Chatterjee: Right? 150 00:21:09.452 --> 00:21:31.690 Naomi Chatterjee: Scrolling back up here, you can define the styling so you can. If you have a logo to upload, you can add that and then you can change the appearance and color. You can predefine what the tabs within this plug should look like. So right now you can see, we have enabled home conversation and tickets. You can also just enable or disable any of these. 151 00:21:32.290 --> 00:21:45.359 Naomi Chatterjee: and then you can also predefine the layout. So we have. You know, these cards right here, which a customer can click into so you can add or remove them. So again, really defining what this looks like. 152 00:21:46.910 --> 00:22:06.599 Naomi Chatterjee: Then, again, if you scroll a little bit to the bottom, we have portal settings which again allows us to configure what our customer portal looks like. So we have the same tabs in here. You have the configuration where you can define the name. Add in the logo add in a footer. If you want to enable Turing search, you can go ahead and do that for your customers as well. 153 00:22:07.200 --> 00:22:16.280 Naomi Chatterjee: We have some styling options. So what is the banner? And then it's overall appearance, and then you can also predefine your tabs. 154 00:22:17.190 --> 00:22:27.539 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright. So this is how you can enable your end user experience and really make sure that it matches your brand identity. And how you want your customers to be able to interact with you. 155 00:22:32.210 --> 00:22:34.700 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, quick pause for questions. 156 00:22:35.220 --> 00:22:36.260 Naomi Chatterjee: comments. 157 00:22:40.650 --> 00:22:41.350 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay. 158 00:22:44.140 --> 00:22:56.506 Naomi Chatterjee: alright. So now that we spoke about the customer experience, you'll notice that the one thing in common between both of those 2 experiences are tickets. Now within. Dev. Rev. We define tickets as 159 00:22:57.010 --> 00:23:07.230 Naomi Chatterjee: as the voice of the customer. So it could be a problem that they're facing, or they just want to have a conversation with us. That is how we define tickets. 160 00:23:08.260 --> 00:23:26.760 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, this obviously depends. From organization to organization, and can change depend on your workflow. But within dev. We classify tickets as either a pub ticket, a feature request, or a support ticket, and all these different types of tickets will have their own workflow predefined. 161 00:23:27.110 --> 00:23:34.170 Naomi Chatterjee: But so, for example, a buck ticket is, let's say, a customer is reporting a technical issue or a malfunction 162 00:23:35.290 --> 00:23:45.009 Naomi Chatterjee: A feature request is when a customer can get in and request a new feature or an enhancement and a support ticket is, if a customer is facing an issue or a problem 163 00:23:45.210 --> 00:23:50.500 Naomi Chatterjee: and need some help from your support team on your product or on your service. 164 00:23:51.910 --> 00:24:19.030 Naomi Chatterjee: But why like? I said, why, we like to classify. This is because it's really important for us to be able to define those workflows. If it's a support ticket. You know, the support agent or the engineer can just get in and respond to that, resolve it and close the conversation. But if it's a buck ticket you might want to assign someone else to it. And if it's a feature request, you want to make sure that it's attracted in the right place. Which is why, it's really important to be able to classify all of these tickets 165 00:24:25.360 --> 00:24:37.329 Naomi Chatterjee: looking at the life cycle of a ticket. And this is what we found is most common, but again completely configurable, and can be defined based on your workflow. Within deb. 166 00:24:37.700 --> 00:24:48.430 Naomi Chatterjee: so typically when a ticket is created is when a customer reports an issue or has a request so the ticket is created, it lands within devf. 167 00:24:48.440 --> 00:24:56.750 Naomi Chatterjee: and by default the stage assigned to it is queued, which essentially means that it's a waiting assignment to a support engineer or an agent. 168 00:24:57.190 --> 00:25:15.579 Naomi Chatterjee: Once it's been queued, the agent has picked it up, assigned it to themselves and then can look at what the workflow is depending on the type of ticket. So if it is a support ticket, they can go ahead and resolve it themselves, or or, you know, Turing can respond to it as well, and then go ahead and resolve it. 169 00:25:15.810 --> 00:25:27.460 Naomi Chatterjee: or if it's a bug ticket or a feature request, they can assign it to the right person within the product team, and then the product team can take it over. Look into it, and then the ticket can be resolved. 170 00:25:27.970 --> 00:25:43.360 Naomi Chatterjee: Right? So let's get into the platform and see what that process actually looks like. So what I'm going to do is as as a customer of effortless. I'm having an issue with logging in. So I would go ahead and click on this ticket option right here. 171 00:25:43.480 --> 00:25:46.530 Naomi Chatterjee: I'm gonna say, issue with logging in 172 00:25:46.590 --> 00:25:51.550 Naomi Chatterjee: and in the description, I'm going to say, unable to log in for the past 173 00:25:51.700 --> 00:25:52.830 Naomi Chatterjee: 2 h 174 00:25:54.180 --> 00:26:00.769 Naomi Chatterjee: as soon as I click, submit, I can start tracking my ticket. So I have a ticket number that I can use for 175 00:26:00.940 --> 00:26:14.039 Naomi Chatterjee: further tracking. I can see the ticket status. I have the description that I just entered, and then a couple of different attributes that are predefined. But the support agent or the engineer can update this on the backend. 176 00:26:14.460 --> 00:26:25.939 Naomi Chatterjee: And then this is where I can actually chat with my support agent. So whatever I enter in here will be available on a real on real time within debref. So I'm gonna say, Hey, for example. 177 00:26:26.550 --> 00:26:27.670 Naomi Chatterjee: 5. 178 00:26:28.650 --> 00:26:35.899 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, if I go back to Debra and the way I can track. This is by getting into support and looking at tickets. 179 00:26:38.160 --> 00:26:47.979 Naomi Chatterjee: Now you can see that I have a brand new ticket coming in, which is indicated by this little blue. you have the ticket number, and then you have a couple of different attributes right here. 180 00:26:48.320 --> 00:26:55.459 Naomi Chatterjee: But before we actually get into the ticket. Let's look at what's available within this page for us. 181 00:26:55.580 --> 00:27:02.959 Naomi Chatterjee: So right on the top here we have a few option actions that we can define. The first one is we can turn on smart cluster. 182 00:27:03.220 --> 00:27:07.665 Naomi Chatterjee: Smart cluster is a really cool feature that allows us to 183 00:27:08.100 --> 00:27:21.540 Naomi Chatterjee: Essentially, if we turn this on, it will club all of the tickets currently within my platform, based on similarity of work items or teams. So once I turn this on, you should be able to see a couple of 184 00:27:21.860 --> 00:27:25.070 Naomi Chatterjee: themes that are recurring. 185 00:27:25.260 --> 00:27:33.609 Naomi Chatterjee: So anything to do with user interface will be logged within one section. Anything to do with errors will be within another 186 00:27:34.490 --> 00:27:35.900 Naomi Chatterjee: and then all 187 00:27:35.930 --> 00:27:47.449 Naomi Chatterjee: basically depending on the different themes. Yeah, so you can see that we have Google drive setup in instructions. Any questions troubleshooting. So you can really turn that on or off. 188 00:27:47.620 --> 00:27:52.160 Naomi Chatterjee: which really helps to be able to understand. What are these larger themes that you're getting. 189 00:27:52.270 --> 00:27:57.630 Naomi Chatterjee: you can export your content or your tickets as a Csv. Or a Json file. 190 00:27:58.280 --> 00:28:10.009 Naomi Chatterjee: and then as a support agent, let's say, for example, you're on call with a customer. Your customer on the phone requests or has an issue as the agent. You can go ahead and create a ticket on their behalf 191 00:28:13.250 --> 00:28:15.740 Naomi Chatterjee: any thoughts questions before we move on. 192 00:28:19.400 --> 00:28:26.454 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, feel free to stop me or put any questions you have in the chat. I'm monitoring that as well. 193 00:28:27.150 --> 00:28:42.050 Alpesh Gohil: Yeah, nearby one feedback I had for like I've already joined it from our Csm. Is on the customer portal. I don't see the ability for the customer to change the status of the ticket on their own, mainly closing the ticket. Right? That's what I'm looking for. 194 00:28:42.508 --> 00:28:47.869 Alpesh Gohil: But if the customer may open a ticket, and maybe they were able to log in right in this example. 195 00:28:48.020 --> 00:28:54.520 Alpesh Gohil: they said, Hey, not able to log in, but in 5 min, 4 min they cleared their cash and they were able to log in. So they want to close out the ticket 196 00:28:54.610 --> 00:28:59.429 Alpesh Gohil: like that functionality. Not there. They'll be good to have that also available. 197 00:28:59.970 --> 00:29:02.750 Naomi Chatterjee: Sure I will pass on this feedback to our product team. 198 00:29:03.060 --> 00:29:03.730 Naomi Chatterjee: Neep. 199 00:29:04.200 --> 00:29:05.530 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, all fine. 200 00:29:06.350 --> 00:29:28.159 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright. And then for quick organization, for quick sorting, grouping, and customization of this view for yourself. We have a couple of quick options. First of all, you can go ahead and filter by all of the tickets assigned to you. So as an agent or an admin, you want to come in you can quickly click on that and see all of your work items, or all of the tickets assigned to you. 201 00:29:28.340 --> 00:29:42.329 Naomi Chatterjee: You can see any tickets that have been modified in the last 24 h, and then we have a couple of filters right here. You can add in a new filter using this option. So, for example, I want to say, I want to see all of the tickets created by. 202 00:29:42.510 --> 00:29:46.040 Naomi Chatterjee: and then go back in here and add my name. 203 00:29:48.450 --> 00:30:00.290 Naomi Chatterjee: I guess nothing will show up, because I haven't created anything, but you can really sort depending on a bunch of different attributes right here, or if you want to clear them, you can go ahead and clear them which takes you back to the default view. 204 00:30:01.132 --> 00:30:02.540 Naomi Chatterjee: You can also sort 205 00:30:02.840 --> 00:30:09.180 Naomi Chatterjee: all of these tickets, and you can group by certain attributes predefined in here as well. 206 00:30:09.310 --> 00:30:22.580 Naomi Chatterjee: You can customize this view for yourself and for your support teams, so I can always say that. I don't want to see these particular columns. I want to see some others, so I can remove customer workspace and add created by instead. 207 00:30:23.200 --> 00:30:29.099 Naomi Chatterjee: And then I can also switch these around to make sure that it's matching my workflow. 208 00:30:30.160 --> 00:30:41.280 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, as soon as you make any change to this default view, you'll notice you have the option to click, save as which allows you to save this as your own saved list or a vista. 209 00:30:41.540 --> 00:30:47.779 Naomi Chatterjee: So I can just say my list, for example, add in a description click, save. 210 00:30:47.830 --> 00:30:52.919 Naomi Chatterjee: and if I scroll, go back to my left. Nav here, scroll all the way to the bottom. 211 00:30:54.200 --> 00:30:55.000 Naomi Chatterjee: let that 212 00:30:55.680 --> 00:31:04.269 Naomi Chatterjee: scroll all the way to the bottom under my list, you should be able to see the list that you just create created, and then you can also share it with your team. 213 00:31:04.380 --> 00:31:09.960 Naomi Chatterjee: so that if you want all of your agents working on the same view, you can go ahead and 214 00:31:10.330 --> 00:31:11.500 Naomi Chatterjee: share it with them. 215 00:31:14.200 --> 00:31:16.579 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, that was a lot 216 00:31:17.110 --> 00:31:22.039 Naomi Chatterjee: before we get into the actual ticket. Do we have any questions. 217 00:31:26.260 --> 00:31:27.580 Alpesh Gohil: Nope, good. 218 00:31:28.110 --> 00:31:38.920 Naomi Chatterjee: Perfect. Now let's get into the ticket that we just created. Now, right off the bat, you'll see we have our ticket number. We have the the title that was given by the customer 219 00:31:39.460 --> 00:31:51.789 Naomi Chatterjee: as a support engineer or as an admin. I do have the option to update this in case I feel like the the actual problem is not correctly represented in the title. I can go ahead and change that. 220 00:31:52.167 --> 00:32:11.202 Naomi Chatterjee: I have a few options, menu, right here. This is still in Beta, but you can start a huddle with everyone that's working on this ticket. You can go ahead and upload this particular ticket. So, for example, if you're receiving a lot of requests for features or enhancements, if you upload this, you can track this 221 00:32:11.650 --> 00:32:33.079 Naomi Chatterjee: when you're actually defining your roadmap. This is still in Beta. I will say so. It may not work fully, accurately, but it is a work in progress you can go ahead and clone this ticket. So if you again are finding that you're receiving a lot of similar types of tickets on the on behalf of the customer, you can go ahead and clone it, and just updates certain attributes. 222 00:32:33.240 --> 00:32:40.270 Naomi Chatterjee: You can also delete this ticket in case it's spam or not relevant. You can also go ahead and market as spam, link it. 223 00:32:40.709 --> 00:32:56.539 Naomi Chatterjee: You can get, create and set notifications for yourself, so you can define what you want to be notified about whether only if you're mentioned or if there are any discussions happening within this particular ticket, or if there are any field updates. 224 00:32:58.700 --> 00:33:10.289 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, going into the actual attributes of this ticket on the left hand side. Here we have Turing assist. Now, since Turing is set up for us. You can see that we have a couple of relevant articles that it's pulled up. 225 00:33:10.824 --> 00:33:13.369 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, I can just select this. 226 00:33:14.250 --> 00:33:22.349 Naomi Chatterjee: and as soon as I click into it. I have the details in here which I can then take and copy it and paste it, and send it to my customer. 227 00:33:22.630 --> 00:33:24.978 Alpesh Gohil: Yeah. One question here, Naomi. 228 00:33:25.430 --> 00:33:27.070 Alpesh Gohil: if you can, if I can. 229 00:33:27.890 --> 00:33:32.660 Alpesh Gohil: Yeah. So here on the left hand pane, right where you see the article. You have 230 00:33:32.970 --> 00:33:38.059 Alpesh Gohil: the collect. Sorry, the visible to that you have visible to customers. 231 00:33:38.400 --> 00:33:42.069 Alpesh Gohil: Where? Where do I set that here at the customer level. 232 00:33:43.660 --> 00:33:44.620 Naomi Chatterjee: Great question. 233 00:33:44.990 --> 00:33:49.340 Naomi Chatterjee: So if I go into my settings right here. 234 00:33:49.350 --> 00:33:51.179 Naomi Chatterjee: and I click on articles. 235 00:33:51.420 --> 00:33:52.020 Alpesh Gohil: Yeah. 236 00:33:54.405 --> 00:34:08.239 Naomi Chatterjee: Sorry knowledge base. This is where I can define articles so I can create an article here. And when I'm creating it. So, for example, I click on, create new once I've actually created it. Click on next. 237 00:34:09.760 --> 00:34:12.980 Naomi Chatterjee: This is where you can kind of define who should be able to see it. 238 00:34:13.520 --> 00:34:14.340 Alpesh Gohil: Right 239 00:34:14.560 --> 00:34:21.540 Alpesh Gohil: right visible to. But then I I want to define so what on our end? What we have is 240 00:34:22.156 --> 00:34:30.560 Alpesh Gohil: subset, which says, Hey, this article can only be seen by this group of users. Now where, at the customer level, I define that grouping. 241 00:34:34.252 --> 00:34:37.690 Naomi Chatterjee: So you want to have different groups of customers. 242 00:34:37.860 --> 00:34:45.399 Alpesh Gohil: Right? So your team was able to create like, you only have 3 groups here. Your team was able to create 4 or 5 different groups for us. 243 00:34:45.900 --> 00:34:47.060 Alpesh Gohil: Now 244 00:34:47.920 --> 00:34:51.189 Alpesh Gohil: I understand I can do it at the article level. But 245 00:34:51.510 --> 00:34:54.420 Alpesh Gohil: how do I say that this account 246 00:34:54.540 --> 00:34:56.199 Alpesh Gohil: belong to this group 247 00:34:56.679 --> 00:34:58.550 Alpesh Gohil: at the customer level? 248 00:35:03.060 --> 00:35:04.560 Naomi Chatterjee: okay, that's. 249 00:35:04.560 --> 00:35:16.429 Alpesh Gohil: So when that when any user from that customer, from their account signs in right, it needs to become like this needs to take into effect right that only certain articles will be visible to them. 250 00:35:16.440 --> 00:35:17.800 Alpesh Gohil: How can we. 251 00:35:17.840 --> 00:35:25.430 Alpesh Gohil: I see doing from the article end? But how can? How is how can that be tied to the customer? And that piece is, I'm I'm not sure about. 252 00:35:25.550 --> 00:35:30.409 Alpesh Gohil: and if you don't have an answer no worries, I will. I'll have my meeting with the Csm. In 5 min. I will bring it up. 253 00:35:30.410 --> 00:35:38.380 Naomi Chatterjee: Oh, okay, that's great. But I think what an option there is if you go back into settings and you scroll 254 00:35:38.950 --> 00:35:40.310 Naomi Chatterjee: to 255 00:35:42.280 --> 00:35:43.420 Naomi Chatterjee: hmm. 256 00:35:45.110 --> 00:35:49.730 Naomi Chatterjee: Or rather, if you go into customers and click on contacts. 257 00:35:51.460 --> 00:36:16.459 Naomi Chatterjee: I think this is where you will be able to add in customers, and then define or add in users, basically and define which customer they're in. And then I think you should be able to go ahead and add a group in here. So there are a couple of different options that you can speak to the Csm about leveraging. Maybe you can leverage tags in this instance, or you can go ahead and create a new attribute or a custom field that allows you to define that group. 258 00:36:16.880 --> 00:36:24.549 Alpesh Gohil: Okay, yeah, I will. I tried looking at the customer level at the account level, but could not find anything, but as I said, I will. I will ask in next 5 min and find out. 259 00:36:24.550 --> 00:36:25.170 Naomi Chatterjee: Yeah. 260 00:36:25.290 --> 00:36:30.149 Naomi Chatterjee: I think there are a couple of different ways to do it. So maybe you can work with Emily to see which is the best. 261 00:36:31.390 --> 00:36:31.940 Naomi Chatterjee: Yeah. 262 00:36:32.710 --> 00:36:33.470 Naomi Chatterjee: Cool. 263 00:36:35.910 --> 00:36:39.721 Alpesh Gohil: And, Justin. Sorry I thought you were going to say something. Sorry if I stopped you. 264 00:36:41.930 --> 00:36:43.047 Justin Delos Santos: No no no 265 00:36:44.690 --> 00:36:45.430 Justin Delos Santos: yep. 266 00:36:46.970 --> 00:37:05.249 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, great. So going back into this particular ticket. So like, I was saying, we have Turing and Turing right now is set up to suggestion mode only, which means that it will show you the suggestion, and as the support agent you can click into it, you can make any changes, or you can select what it is suggesting. 267 00:37:05.690 --> 00:37:24.029 Naomi Chatterjee: Right? And then we have lot of different attributes right here. So you can see who the owner of this of this ticket is you can update that depending on the workflow again. So, for example, if it's a bug request I would want to go ahead and assign it to the right person, so I can go ahead and change this owner. 268 00:37:24.487 --> 00:37:36.980 Naomi Chatterjee: I can see who the who it was created by, and then I can see the stage. So like I was saying by default, it is set to queued but as the support agent, you have a couple of different options to switch within 269 00:37:40.164 --> 00:37:43.080 Naomi Chatterjee: and then scrolling little bit to the bottom. 270 00:37:43.430 --> 00:37:56.130 Naomi Chatterjee: You have the description that the customer had entered. You can create and assign any tasks. So if I want someone else from my team. So if I want Rama, for example. 271 00:37:58.020 --> 00:37:59.630 Naomi Chatterjee: think she should be in here. 272 00:38:00.520 --> 00:38:01.320 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay. 273 00:38:04.190 --> 00:38:11.020 Naomi Chatterjee: so I can go ahead and assign a task. And if I tag her she should receive this and be able to track it within her updates. 274 00:38:11.360 --> 00:38:14.970 Naomi Chatterjee: I can link any issues, opportunities and conversations. 275 00:38:15.411 --> 00:38:26.940 Naomi Chatterjee: So, for example, if this is a feature request, I can go ahead. And if there already is an issue. I can link that in here, or I can even create an issue. Linking it to this particular feature request. 276 00:38:27.543 --> 00:38:32.090 Naomi Chatterjee: I can create any opportunities as well as conversations. Yes, Justin. 277 00:38:34.320 --> 00:38:38.220 Justin Delos Santos: For linking issues or tickets. 278 00:38:39.100 --> 00:38:48.896 Justin Delos Santos: do you also have automation on this one like, you look into specific 279 00:38:49.720 --> 00:38:59.029 Justin Delos Santos: information within a ticket, and it triggers an automatic automated merging of of 280 00:38:59.040 --> 00:39:02.129 Justin Delos Santos: this issues or or incidents. 281 00:39:03.440 --> 00:39:12.040 Naomi Chatterjee: That is a great question, and we do have a rule engine. But I am not fully sure whether that is possible yet or not. 282 00:39:15.840 --> 00:39:18.059 Naomi Chatterjee: but I can. I could confirm that. 283 00:39:18.850 --> 00:39:24.390 Justin Delos Santos: Okay? Okay? Because from our organization, we actually deal with 284 00:39:24.680 --> 00:39:26.439 Justin Delos Santos: a lot of 285 00:39:27.364 --> 00:39:34.380 Justin Delos Santos: duplicates. And right now we are, we are merging duplicates manually 286 00:39:35.260 --> 00:39:43.670 Justin Delos Santos: but in terms of description or or details on on those duplicate incidents 287 00:39:43.800 --> 00:39:50.630 Justin Delos Santos: it is easily identifiable. So let's say, one name is 288 00:39:50.640 --> 00:39:52.190 Justin Delos Santos: equals to 289 00:39:52.270 --> 00:40:00.810 Justin Delos Santos: the name of the duplicate. So it's it's pretty much, you know, very straightforward, but it I I believe it needs some automation. But. 290 00:40:01.530 --> 00:40:22.010 Naomi Chatterjee: Yeah, absolutely. So we have a workflow engine. That is still in Beta. So we will have to work with our product team to see what are its current capabilities. Because I think, yeah, it's not fully available to everybody, but it is in Beta. So I can reach out to them and see whether that's something that is a possibility. 291 00:40:22.380 --> 00:40:23.390 Justin Delos Santos: Okay. Okay. 292 00:40:24.500 --> 00:40:25.230 Justin Delos Santos: Great. 293 00:40:26.720 --> 00:40:27.720 Naomi Chatterjee: Anything else. 294 00:40:28.590 --> 00:40:30.090 Justin Delos Santos: No, that's it. Thank you. 295 00:40:30.841 --> 00:40:33.448 Naomi Chatterjee: Awesome cool. Oh, I see. 296 00:40:34.490 --> 00:40:36.029 Naomi Chatterjee: I'll be sure to drop. 297 00:40:37.410 --> 00:40:51.069 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay. So like, I was saying within, here you have, like all of these different attributes, and then you can go ahead and link your issues, opportunities or conversations. So you're essentially seeing everything to do with this, all in one place. 298 00:40:51.740 --> 00:41:17.259 Naomi Chatterjee: Now on the top. Here we have a few different tabs that you can switch within. We have our internal discussion. So this is where I can interact with all of my team within my organization. Anything that I sent here will be directly reported and visible to the customer. And then I can also look at events, so I can see everything, every action that was taken place on this ticket. I can track it here as well as the timestamp. 299 00:41:23.970 --> 00:41:25.060 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright. 300 00:41:25.482 --> 00:41:39.630 Naomi Chatterjee: Now let us quickly go ahead and look at the different omni-channel support options that we have within. Dev rep. So with this particular ticket. You can see that we had created it on the portal. 301 00:41:39.740 --> 00:41:46.470 Naomi Chatterjee: So if I look in here, you can see that the source channel is set to portal, but we do have a couple of different options. 302 00:41:47.044 --> 00:41:51.610 Naomi Chatterjee: We have portal. Obviously, we also have our plug, which is the in App Widget. 303 00:41:51.920 --> 00:42:01.919 Naomi Chatterjee: and then we can set up email integrations, we can set up Whatsapp integrations, slack integrations. So as soon as you integrate your account. With Dev. Rev. 304 00:42:02.040 --> 00:42:19.440 Naomi Chatterjee: All of the messages that you're receiving on Whatsapp slack, or your emails can all be tracked within Debra right here. So we do have omni-channel support, and that can be configured by again clicking into settings, want to scroll down into integrations and click on snap, ins. 305 00:42:19.960 --> 00:42:41.900 Naomi Chatterjee: Now slap, snap! Ins! Are our automations and integrations now within this view. Here you can see everything that's already set up for you. Or you can see something that still requires installation. Or if I see that something's missing here, and I want to explore the marketplace. I can go ahead and click on that on the top right. 306 00:42:42.648 --> 00:42:56.259 Naomi Chatterjee: And this is our marketplace that has all of the integrations available to do with all different aspects of the platform. So we have support, built, grow. We have different automation integrations and import capabilities as well. 307 00:42:56.510 --> 00:43:06.399 Naomi Chatterjee: So today, let's click into support. And you can see that we have a couple of different functions available. What I do want to talk about really quickly is smart import. Kb. 308 00:43:06.640 --> 00:43:26.500 Naomi Chatterjee: which is a really cool option for you to be able to upload all of your data, all of your knowledge base all of your articles from any URL. So you just input the URL and everything that's available on that page will be pulled into Debra that Turing can then leverage for responding to customers. 309 00:43:29.520 --> 00:43:47.419 Naomi Chatterjee: So we have a whatsapp integration here we also have. If we scroll to the bottom, we should have our email integration, which, if I click into you can see a lot of details on what this is. What are the different features. If there are any limitations you should be able to view that here as well, and then how to set that up. 310 00:43:47.960 --> 00:43:55.330 Naomi Chatterjee: Now, once you've gone ahead and enabled it you can just open. And then, once you've configured your inbox. 311 00:43:55.440 --> 00:44:00.759 Naomi Chatterjee: all of your emails that you're receiving on this particular inbox, you can track within Deborah 312 00:44:01.860 --> 00:44:03.120 Naomi Chatterjee: under tickets. 313 00:44:09.993 --> 00:44:14.540 Naomi Chatterjee: So, Justin, what snappins currently do you have enabled within dev. 314 00:44:19.071 --> 00:44:23.730 Justin Delos Santos: We are integrated with Zendesk 315 00:44:23.960 --> 00:44:25.470 Justin Delos Santos: and 316 00:44:28.480 --> 00:44:29.780 Justin Delos Santos: pager duty. 317 00:44:30.740 --> 00:44:33.359 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, do you use Whatsapp or slack. 318 00:44:34.944 --> 00:44:37.400 Justin Delos Santos: Oh, yeah. Yes, yes. 319 00:44:38.090 --> 00:44:40.990 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, perfect. So that is enabled and good to go. 320 00:44:41.750 --> 00:44:42.880 Justin Delos Santos: Yes, yes. 321 00:44:43.220 --> 00:44:44.510 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright awesome. 322 00:44:44.650 --> 00:44:52.109 Naomi Chatterjee: If there is anything you need with integrations, you can always reach out to our team. And we can help set that up for you. 323 00:44:53.000 --> 00:44:54.160 Justin Delos Santos: Okay, okay. 324 00:44:54.450 --> 00:44:55.750 Justin Delos Santos: thank you. Bye. 325 00:44:56.200 --> 00:45:00.900 Naomi Chatterjee: Perfect. Now, what I want to talk about are Sla's 326 00:45:01.392 --> 00:45:07.540 Naomi Chatterjee: but before we continue, Justin within your organization, what role do you play. 327 00:45:09.098 --> 00:45:15.240 Justin Delos Santos: I'm pretty much assisting with creating run books on how to 328 00:45:15.560 --> 00:45:18.430 Justin Delos Santos: use Debrav in relation to 329 00:45:19.086 --> 00:45:21.470 Justin Delos Santos: our tools as well. 330 00:45:22.211 --> 00:45:27.069 Justin Delos Santos: But I'm I'm not really an admin for this one. 331 00:45:27.970 --> 00:45:28.820 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay. 332 00:45:29.560 --> 00:45:30.380 Naomi Chatterjee: bought it. 333 00:45:31.900 --> 00:45:37.220 Naomi Chatterjee: But I can quickly walk you through. Sla's setting that up. What that looks like and how to track it. 334 00:45:38.622 --> 00:45:48.769 Justin Delos Santos: I I don't really see it usable for myself. So if we can, we can definitely skip that part. Yeah. 335 00:45:48.920 --> 00:45:54.509 Naomi Chatterjee: Alright! What I will walk you through, though, is within support. If you click on analytics 336 00:45:55.586 --> 00:46:17.099 Naomi Chatterjee: you should be able to track all of your analytics, and this is viewed can be viewed by anyone within the organization. So this is really great for agents to get in as well track their own. You know their own progress. So you have blocker tickets. You have your compliance rates, csat scores, medium resolution time, and a lot of different widgets as well. 337 00:46:17.190 --> 00:46:25.649 Naomi Chatterjee: and all of these are drillable. So let me just see. Yeah, there we go. So I'm looking at tickets linked to conversations. 338 00:46:26.510 --> 00:46:44.889 Naomi Chatterjee: If you click on the information icon here, it should tell you exactly what this widget is displaying, and then if you just click into it again, it'll pull up you know more expanded version of that to those analytics. So you can really dive in as an admin or as an agent. You can kinda get in and see what's going on 339 00:46:49.520 --> 00:46:50.500 Naomi Chatterjee: cool. 340 00:46:50.961 --> 00:47:00.569 Naomi Chatterjee: That was kind of mostly what I had. But we have a couple of minutes more. If there's anything particular that you want to cover, we can. We can talk about that. 341 00:47:02.230 --> 00:47:11.599 Justin Delos Santos: Nothing from my side, for now I was really eager to ask about the automation part, but nothing else, for now. 342 00:47:12.260 --> 00:47:19.640 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay, I've made a note of that. I'll immediately reach out to our product team and get back to you with an answer. 343 00:47:20.460 --> 00:47:22.479 Justin Delos Santos: Thank you. Thank you very much. 344 00:47:22.480 --> 00:47:29.500 Naomi Chatterjee: I think I have your email already, so I'll just reach out to you via that, or I will get your Csm to reach out. 345 00:47:29.970 --> 00:47:32.130 Justin Delos Santos: Sure. Sure. Thank you very much. 346 00:47:32.460 --> 00:47:44.679 Naomi Chatterjee: Perfect sounds good. Thank you so much for joining. I really hope this session was helpful. And you took away a little bit from it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We're always happy to help. 347 00:47:45.430 --> 00:47:47.088 Justin Delos Santos: Alright. Thank you very much. 348 00:47:47.500 --> 00:47:48.880 Naomi Chatterjee: Oh, thank you, Justin. 349 00:47:48.880 --> 00:47:49.720 Justin Delos Santos: Bye, bye. 350 00:47:49.920 --> 00:47:50.630 Naomi Chatterjee: Bye, bye.
Use DevRev Support like a Pro
WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.030 --> 00:00:09.239 Ashwin Bharath: How to use devil's support like a pro guys. So just a brief introduction about myself. Mushroom from the customer success team here at Devon. 2 00:00:09.500 --> 00:00:13.279 Ashwin Bharath: and I'll be hosting today's session alongside Naomi, who is also from it. 3 00:00:13.560 --> 00:00:32.730 Ashwin Bharath: So, as we all know, customers, I know happy customers are the backbone of any successful business. But, you know, achieving that level of satisfaction can definitely feel overwhelming. Right? However, the good news is, there are proven methods and build in different features to streamline your support operations much better. 4 00:00:32.910 --> 00:00:50.690 Ashwin Bharath: So throughout this session we'll be diving deep and exploring how to leverage the power of Dev rep to make the lives of your customers and agents easier. So just a request. Right? So before we jump in, let's take a quick poll and see who's here today. So could you please drop your role on the Zoom chat for us? 5 00:00:51.580 --> 00:00:52.379 Ashwin Bharath: This is 6 00:01:06.550 --> 00:01:07.440 Ashwin Bharath: Sunny 7 00:01:13.460 --> 00:01:16.279 Ashwin Bharath: Naomi! Let me know when I can proceed further. 8 00:01:16.940 --> 00:01:18.230 Naomi Chatterjee: Yeah, absolutely. 9 00:01:18.500 --> 00:01:24.950 Naomi Chatterjee: We have Franco from the customer success team and Leila, for who is a customer support engineer. 10 00:01:25.730 --> 00:01:27.629 Ashwin Bharath: Okay? So alright. Then 11 00:01:28.040 --> 00:01:29.250 Ashwin Bharath: moving on 12 00:01:30.750 --> 00:01:31.510 Ashwin Bharath: addict. 13 00:01:32.630 --> 00:01:33.470 Ashwin Bharath: So 14 00:01:34.270 --> 00:02:00.709 Ashwin Bharath: omni-channel support, right? So today's customers expect to connect with your support team on their terms right through their preferred channels. So omni-channel support is the ability to provide seamless customer service across multiple communication channels, and Deborah supports the listed channels. Right? So to start with. Let's just talk about the plug functionality that we have. So plug is nothing but AI powered 15 00:02:00.710 --> 00:02:06.989 Ashwin Bharath: chat bot solution that we offer right? So this is just a test website that we have created. 16 00:02:06.990 --> 00:02:34.079 Ashwin Bharath: And on the bottom right corner, if you notice we have a widget like thing, right? So if I click on this, this is nothing but the plug. So here I can send a message, and this is completely. AI driven. So if I ask any question, the AI bought will leverage the robust knowledge base that we have to deflect the queries, at least the L one queries to. You know the maximum extent, right? So I'm just gonna ask a quick question on hey? 17 00:02:34.850 --> 00:02:36.879 Ashwin Bharath: What does Maple do? 18 00:02:39.270 --> 00:03:02.699 Ashwin Bharath: So now the a bottle, skim through the articles and give me a suggestion or an answer. Right now I can either be contented with the answer, or I can just skip. So here I'd say no. The answer was not helpful, but the queuing has given me an answer. I'm just going in and clicking on. No, and now I have 2 options. I can either refresh it, or I can connect with the D. So when I say, Hey, connect with the team. 19 00:03:02.700 --> 00:03:17.280 Ashwin Bharath: This conversation will land as a conversation on my inbox. So this is the customer facing side, and this is the agent right? The details that you see on this particular window will never be visible to the customers. 20 00:03:17.390 --> 00:03:20.259 Ashwin Bharath: So on support I go to inbox. 21 00:03:20.860 --> 00:03:41.409 Ashwin Bharath: and this is the latest conversation that was created. So if you notice here I just have the con the history of the conversation between the bot and the user. Right? But let's say, as a support team member. And assuming a scenario where you had a lot of conversation, the bot and your user have had a lot of conversation 22 00:03:41.691 --> 00:03:54.639 Ashwin Bharath: in today's world. I don't want to spend time to sit and read through all the conversations. Right here is where I'd like to introduce a new feature, which is the slash command feature. Right? So I just enter slash, and you know, hit summarize. 23 00:03:54.640 --> 00:04:01.469 Ashwin Bharath: So what this you know, slash command basically does is, it would generate the summary of this particular conversation. 24 00:04:01.470 --> 00:04:10.879 Ashwin Bharath: thereby saving a lot of time for me. So here it says. Janice asked for the function. Maple Janice declined the session and connect with the team. Conversation ends right? So 25 00:04:11.240 --> 00:04:28.409 Ashwin Bharath: once this is done, and let's say I'm I'm an agent, and I want to ask. I want to probe further to the customer. Right? But I'm not really confident about who I told, or you know the the sentence that I've framed. So what I can do is I can leverage another slash command which is refresh. 26 00:04:28.440 --> 00:04:30.143 Ashwin Bharath: And I'm gonna say, 27 00:04:31.540 --> 00:04:33.160 Ashwin Bharath: can you elaborate? 28 00:04:36.250 --> 00:04:59.229 Ashwin Bharath: So now it's refreshing. And now it will give me a more you know enhanced version of whatever I ask, which is more appealing to the client. Right? So, could you please provide me more details or further explanation? Now, I can either edit this or I can retry it or send it. So during a lot. Just go ahead and send it, or it will just, you know, give you a recommendation, and it's up to you on whether you can use it or not. 29 00:04:59.390 --> 00:05:17.070 Ashwin Bharath: So this is about the conversation part. Now let's assume that I have had a conversation here, and I decide that I need to know if work more on this particular ticket. So what I can do is I can create a ticket from the conversation. I click on link tickets. 30 00:05:17.150 --> 00:05:19.000 Ashwin Bharath: I click on plus new ticket 31 00:05:19.340 --> 00:05:48.100 Ashwin Bharath: and if you notice, if you just give it some time, what will happen is the ticket information right? The subject and the description will be auto populated and generated by the AI itself. So there is no need for you to go through the summary. And you know, through all those hassles. Right? It's just create a ticket for you with the description and subject auto fill, you just have to select the necessary attributes. So here I'm just gonna select as devops. And I'm gonna just create a ticket. So as soon as I create a ticket. 32 00:05:48.220 --> 00:06:00.919 Ashwin Bharath: if you notice, the conversation will send a notification to the client. So here you can see that the title inquiry about maple software was linked to this conversation right now, this is the agent Portal. 33 00:06:00.930 --> 00:06:04.300 Ashwin Bharath: If I navigate back to the customer portal I'd have this. 34 00:06:04.540 --> 00:06:24.809 Ashwin Bharath: So this is basically handled by something called a convergence. What converges? What is something. But you know, it's it's just an automated slapping that we have by default, which will help you avoid these repetitive tasks. Right? So once I link a ticket to a conversation it can. It can automatically notify the customer that 35 00:06:24.810 --> 00:06:49.800 Ashwin Bharath: the you know a ticket has been created for your issue. The agent needn't manually go and update this right? So imagine a situation where you ha! You're handling like multiple chats online like 1015 chats. And you have to come, you know. Create tickets for each and everything. In that case you can just go with it. And you know, leverage, this converge is what conversions? What does more than this? But this is just tip of the iceberg right? 36 00:06:50.343 --> 00:07:00.689 Ashwin Bharath: So again, this is the ticket part. Now, the next good feature is. Now, let's say I have to involve the engineering teams on this to work further right? A similar scenario 37 00:07:00.700 --> 00:07:02.020 Ashwin Bharath: here I can go ahead. 38 00:07:02.130 --> 00:07:05.550 Ashwin Bharath: click on issues, and I can create a new issue here. 39 00:07:06.110 --> 00:07:23.780 Ashwin Bharath: So when I click on new issue again, as you notice, the bot itself has summarized everything for me. So I just have to go ahead, fill in the necessary attributes and click on, create. So if you notice all the 3 objects right by objects, I mean conversation tickets and issues. 40 00:07:23.790 --> 00:07:46.509 Ashwin Bharath: All the 3 objects are in one single pane, so that I need in juggle between different you know, tabs or different. I needed like open a tab duplicated for for retriving the information right? Everything is in one view, right? I can see conversations, tickets, and new issues. So I just create this particular issue. I just show you another example of what the conversion slot can do. 41 00:07:46.510 --> 00:07:57.185 Ashwin Bharath: Right? So let's assume this ticket was assigned to Naomi, and the issue was assigned to myself. Now I am the owner of this particular issue. I go ahead and 42 00:07:57.830 --> 00:08:24.770 Ashwin Bharath: that, I Update the stage as completed. Right? I update the stage as completed, and if you notice on the ticket the link issue is striked off, and if you notice on the internal discussion. I'll also have an notification by the Convergence Board like notifying me that the all the issues linked to the ticket have been close which is assigned for me to go ahead and inform the customer proactively without the customer being having to be, you know, reactive. 43 00:08:25.070 --> 00:08:29.859 Ashwin Bharath: And, as I mentioned, right, you can use the slash command for the 44 00:08:30.184 --> 00:08:47.869 Ashwin Bharath: customer messages as well. Likewise, if you have internal discussions and let's say that a lot of internal discussions happening on one particular ticket. Your manager wants to see what is the discussion that's that's been going on. He can just use the slash command over here and get the gist of what, exactly, was the internal discussion. 45 00:08:47.980 --> 00:08:59.859 Ashwin Bharath: Now, how do you enable this slash command? And you know other conversations? What features? Right? So for this, you know, you need to have admin rights on the platform you navigate to the settings. Icon. 46 00:08:59.920 --> 00:09:14.169 Ashwin Bharath: This is integrations and snap ins. So this is nothing but our marketplace. Right on the marketplace. We have a lot of, such publicly available applications which you can leverage to enhance your support workflows. 47 00:09:14.490 --> 00:09:40.945 Ashwin Bharath: So over here. I have slash commands which which I leverage on the internal and customer messages part, and I have auto routing automate automatic customer reply, and all this right. So all this will help me enhance my workflow. So if if you have not yet enabled these snap ins for you. These are all free and already available pre-built. So you can just go ahead and install these on your instances. If you have already. Not done 48 00:09:41.390 --> 00:09:43.410 Ashwin Bharath: so. That's it, but. 49 00:09:43.749 --> 00:09:54.960 Naomi Chatterjee: Just pausing for a second. Thank you, Ashley. That was really really helpful. Just wanted to check with the group here. If you've already been using. So slash commands and convergence workflow. 50 00:09:55.630 --> 00:10:01.810 Naomi Chatterjee: You can give me a thumbs up if you have or if you haven't, and you know you'd like to learn more. 51 00:10:01.830 --> 00:10:04.229 Naomi Chatterjee: That would be good to hear as well. 52 00:10:06.230 --> 00:10:08.100 franco.virzi: In. In my case I just used 53 00:10:08.290 --> 00:10:11.950 franco.virzi: a couple of times to rephrase, but then none, not nothing more. 54 00:10:12.390 --> 00:10:13.650 Naomi Chatterjee: Okay. Awesome. 55 00:10:13.650 --> 00:10:35.869 Ashwin Bharath: Yeah, on slash command. We have more commands, as you saw right? And another cool feature is, you can also send out a customer satisfaction survey, which is an essential piece when it comes to any customer support operations. Right? If you want to send out a survey, you can just use the slash command and just send out Trigger a survey, and even that is also also available as a separate snap in on the marketplace. 56 00:10:36.490 --> 00:10:37.490 Ashwin Bharath: I sleep on your. 57 00:10:37.490 --> 00:10:42.730 Naomi Chatterjee: First on a ticket. What are the different slash and options. 58 00:10:42.900 --> 00:10:44.060 Ashwin Bharath: Shop indefinitely. 59 00:10:44.720 --> 00:10:45.480 Ashwin Bharath: 8. 60 00:10:47.980 --> 00:10:49.630 Ashwin Bharath: So if I use slash. 61 00:10:49.940 --> 00:11:08.419 Ashwin Bharath: so I have clone which creates a clone of the current issue or ticket. I summarize is something that we just saw rephrase we saw and remind would remind the user, the agent on to like you know, maybe keep a tab on the ticket and send out a response to me like that. Jiffy creates a new Jeff. 62 00:11:08.420 --> 00:11:21.289 Ashwin Bharath: and complete is nothing but like the tab functionality that we have on Gmail. That helps us complete the text. Right? So that's and this is survey. As I mentioned, you can just use this slash command and trigger a survey on the conversation or ticket. 63 00:11:21.680 --> 00:11:23.010 Ashwin Bharath: So yep. 64 00:11:23.270 --> 00:11:28.690 Ashwin Bharath: Whatsapp Whatsapp is again a paid integration. You can use slash Whatsapp to register a web hook, URL. 65 00:11:29.610 --> 00:11:38.399 Ashwin Bharath: So these are all the different slash commands that we have. Csat is a separate snap in that you can install from the marketplace, which is free of cost again. 66 00:11:39.220 --> 00:11:47.963 Ashwin Bharath: So this is done. So now we also have the it's my customer portal visible. Naomi, the maple. 67 00:11:48.860 --> 00:12:12.320 Ashwin Bharath: Okay, alright. So I just wanted to just give you a quick sneak peek on the customer portal. How Turing AI is used on the customer portal as well, so here, even here it's you know. AI driven right? So let's say, a customer lands on the customer portal, and you have a very robust knowledge base? Alright. And here I just ask, what does Maple do? Okay? 68 00:12:15.070 --> 00:12:17.500 Ashwin Bharath: So if I ask this particular question. 69 00:12:17.730 --> 00:12:40.940 Ashwin Bharath: Maple can generate an answer. So the Turing can generate an answer, and it gives me this particular answer, and along with it it will also give me the relevant articles right? So this way you can reduce a lot of support, touch points. And you know, you can enhance the customer delay. So as and when you reduce the customer touch points, it also enhances the customer experience and also the agent experience. 70 00:12:40.940 --> 00:12:53.150 Ashwin Bharath: So we we saw how Turing AI helps the customers. Now let's see how Turing helps the agents on the platform right again. Just a disclaimer. This is just for the customers, right? This 71 00:12:53.492 --> 00:13:03.090 Ashwin Bharath: this particular platform that I show you now is not visible by the customer. This is just for agents now. Let's say I open this particular ticket 72 00:13:03.648 --> 00:13:26.940 Ashwin Bharath: and I go to details. If you notice I have something called Turing assist. Right? If I expand this Turing is suggesting me, the relevant articles that are related to this particular issue that I raise right? So in this case, this is just suggesting me articles. But if there were tickets it would also suggest me the relevant tickets that I can refer 73 00:13:26.940 --> 00:13:53.701 Ashwin Bharath: to, you know, assist this particular customer, so I needn't run around on different platforms like I didn't go to slack, I need in, you know, check with internal folks anywhere else. If Turing and your knowledge basis really is obvious, you can get all this information on one view, and with the help of Turing. So this, this is really great where you can. Th, this will make the lives of the customers really easy. So the agents really easy. 74 00:13:54.480 --> 00:14:11.950 Ashwin Bharath: and okay. So this is done. Now let's assume that you are a support manager. Alright, and you're provided with a task to clean up the tickets on the platform. But you have no idea on what these tickets mean or like. What is the cluster? Or, you know, a common trend, let's say 75 00:14:12.040 --> 00:14:17.139 Ashwin Bharath: so. That's where you can leverage the smart cluster functionality of different. 76 00:14:17.190 --> 00:14:24.509 Ashwin Bharath: So what the smart cluster functionality does is that I just click on this particular option. And I just click on smart cluster. 77 00:14:24.800 --> 00:14:48.369 Ashwin Bharath: So when I click on smart cluster the AI just generates a cluster cluster view with the most common commonly used keywords in all the tickets. Right? So with that side technical issues, is a common keyword that has been used in around 10 tickets. And like way. Likewise we have a payment gateway management for 13 tickets, and so on. 78 00:14:48.380 --> 00:15:14.359 Ashwin Bharath: It. It not only gives me the list of the tickets that are, you know, linked with this particular cluster, but it also gives me a more granular level, where I can also see the enhancement, count and feature. Count enhancement, and features are nothing but up the segment of parts. Right? We have something called parts and trades in debre, which is the product, hierarchy of offerings. So it also gives me a granular level information on that front. 79 00:15:14.450 --> 00:15:30.787 Ashwin Bharath: So this is about the cluster, and another good part is, I can save this cluster so that I didn't, you know, revisit this each and every time, or I mean, I needed recreate this each and every time. Right? I can just save this cluster, and so I'll I just give 80 00:15:32.020 --> 00:15:34.750 Ashwin Bharath: Let's cluster. One is the heading. 81 00:15:35.070 --> 00:15:37.280 Ashwin Bharath: I can also also add a description. 82 00:15:37.750 --> 00:15:38.949 Ashwin Bharath: This is a 83 00:15:39.740 --> 00:15:41.300 Ashwin Bharath: that's so far cleaning up. 84 00:15:43.570 --> 00:15:44.440 Ashwin Bharath: See it? 85 00:15:44.710 --> 00:15:45.790 Ashwin Bharath: And I save it. 86 00:15:45.900 --> 00:15:47.200 Ashwin Bharath: Oops. Okay? 87 00:15:49.410 --> 00:16:01.239 Ashwin Bharath: So here it is. And I can also share this with my team members. Now I've created this cluster as support manager. Now I wanna you know, share this with my leads. I can go ahead and share it with my leads 88 00:16:01.410 --> 00:16:14.810 Ashwin Bharath: so. And I can also add them as either editors or viewers, just like how we have on Google sheets. Right? So I'm just adding them on viewers. And I'm gonna share this. So once once I share this, it would appear on the shared 89 00:16:15.090 --> 00:16:15.810 Ashwin Bharath: right? 90 00:16:18.190 --> 00:16:26.180 Ashwin Bharath: So it will appear over here under the shared with me. Section. I don't have any shared vistas, which is why it's not showing up here, but it does 91 00:16:26.330 --> 00:16:27.270 Ashwin Bharath: so. 92 00:16:27.700 --> 00:16:45.210 Ashwin Bharath: The other thing that you can use is the ask Turing. Right? So I click on. Ask Turing or command J. And over here instead of building a vista vista is nothing but a list view, just like a cluster view vista is something that you create for future reference and for quick reference. Right? 93 00:16:45.210 --> 00:17:02.779 Ashwin Bharath: So this stuff can be created in 2 ways. One is, you can, you know, add the filters, or you can create it manually, or else you can use the Turing AI functionality to do this on Deborah, which is more smart way. Right? So over here, let me just see. Okay, give me the list of 94 00:17:05.480 --> 00:17:08.209 Ashwin Bharath: the list of all blocker tickets 95 00:17:10.119 --> 00:17:11.340 Ashwin Bharath: the tickets. 96 00:17:15.520 --> 00:17:22.350 Ashwin Bharath: So now Turing will generate a vista and share it for me. So it says, building vista. 97 00:17:23.170 --> 00:17:23.990 Ashwin Bharath: I'm 98 00:17:24.069 --> 00:17:38.239 Ashwin Bharath: this is the vista, right? So I see there are 3 tickets that are in the blocker stage. And so I can also save this, just like how I save the cluster view. I can save this as well. And these are called vistas on different. And 99 00:17:38.240 --> 00:17:57.100 Ashwin Bharath: I can also group this data. Maybe let's say, based on the order so based on order. I can group this right. I can group this by any parameter. I want anything that is listed over here. Right? I'd say severity. Severity is only blocker. I can use the part. 100 00:17:58.100 --> 00:18:06.680 Ashwin Bharath: So these are all. These are all the different parts. I think these are not linked to different parts, but this one is linked to one per part. 101 00:18:06.780 --> 00:18:22.252 Ashwin Bharath: So, and I also let's say, as a support manager, I would like to understand the effort of a team member. Right? In that case, instead of like going through the dashboards and so on. I can just simply ask Turing to fix me that particular data. So let's say 102 00:18:22.900 --> 00:18:24.200 Ashwin Bharath: through me. 103 00:18:25.410 --> 00:18:26.410 Ashwin Bharath: Odds 104 00:18:27.610 --> 00:18:29.370 Ashwin Bharath: contribution 105 00:18:30.820 --> 00:18:33.100 Ashwin Bharath: in the last 1 20 days. 106 00:18:41.810 --> 00:19:05.990 Ashwin Bharath: Great. So Arturo is a user on Devref, and I see his particular contribution and the issues that he has worked on. So these are all the issues that he has worked on, and his contribution, and so on. So this this is just, you know, an added advantage that you can leverage from the during AI's function. Id on the agent portal may just take a minute here to understand. If 107 00:19:06.140 --> 00:19:18.519 Ashwin Bharath: if anyone on this call have used this during AI for your for for these purposes, right for breathing wistas to get the you know metrics on your agents at an agent level, and so on. 108 00:19:18.740 --> 00:19:19.849 Ashwin Bharath: Just a thumbs up. 109 00:19:28.860 --> 00:19:36.240 Naomi Chatterjee: Or if there are any other ways that you found to be you to use Turing to be helpful, I think we hear that as well. 110 00:19:39.300 --> 00:19:41.150 Arun: Hash anything that huh? 111 00:19:41.150 --> 00:19:41.810 Ashwin Bharath: Hey? I don't. 112 00:19:42.030 --> 00:19:49.790 Arun: This is our own. Yeah. So we haven't used it extensively. But we'll be happy to explore it and use it on a regular basis. 113 00:19:50.510 --> 00:19:53.159 Ashwin Bharath: Definitely. We can sync up on this. 114 00:19:53.170 --> 00:19:58.660 Ashwin Bharath: We'll set up some time. And we can definitely. So you, you like the command, J functionality right? 115 00:19:59.230 --> 00:20:00.900 Arun: Yes, yes, I really like it. Yeah. 116 00:20:01.480 --> 00:20:03.272 Ashwin Bharath: Awesome, perfect cool. 117 00:20:03.920 --> 00:20:05.690 Ashwin Bharath: I'll set it up for you. 118 00:20:08.740 --> 00:20:09.660 Ashwin Bharath: Okay. 119 00:20:14.390 --> 00:20:40.960 Ashwin Bharath: alright proceeding further I'd also like to give you a brief overview on the support analytics. Right to drive any support operations metrics is the key right? You need to have defined metrics for you to know how your team is performing and the improvement areas and all that. So this is the support. Analytics is the basic overview of the the key performance metrics that you can gauge. 120 00:20:40.960 --> 00:20:47.550 Ashwin Bharath: So you have a different dashboard for tickets and conversations. So let's just in investigate for tickets. 121 00:20:48.210 --> 00:21:10.789 Ashwin Bharath: So if I scroll down here I have ticket distribution tickets that are linked to a conversation tickets link to an issue or enhancement. So this is just a percentage. And the the value is like over. When I hover into that particular circle, I see the value and the value outside. That is the the percentage. Right? So if I were to drill this down further, I can just click on this. 122 00:21:11.020 --> 00:21:26.059 Ashwin Bharath: and it will give me a more drill down version of what exactly this is, and I can also set the date range and all this right. And likewise it's also applicable for the conversations. Another support, best practices, and another you know. 123 00:21:26.060 --> 00:21:41.999 Ashwin Bharath: cool feature is that on Deborah you can get, complete insights of your customer that by you know, you can avoid unnecessary touch points like, what are the you know. Let's say a customer has come in I'll just open a ticket for reference. 124 00:21:42.840 --> 00:21:44.610 Ashwin Bharath: I just opened a ticket. 125 00:21:45.080 --> 00:21:50.038 Ashwin Bharath: So this is one of the tickets and on the details. Page I see 126 00:21:51.080 --> 00:22:01.239 Ashwin Bharath: Janice, is the request, right? So obviously, this is just a shadow user. But if I click on Janice. I want to see the details of this particular user. I click on. 127 00:22:04.890 --> 00:22:05.970 Ashwin Bharath: Okay. 128 00:22:08.040 --> 00:22:15.790 Ashwin Bharath: it opens up on the side. And I see all the, you know, issue or sorry tickets that are raised by this 129 00:22:18.600 --> 00:22:20.259 Ashwin Bharath: 1 s on that. 130 00:22:27.020 --> 00:22:52.590 Ashwin Bharath: Okay, I click on view contact. And I see all the details of this particular customer, and these are all the default values. But if you were to add a custom field and store the values like maybe preferred language? Or what is the subscription of this particular customer? All that can be stored as values a as custom values, and you can display to your agents, which is again a game changer. Right? So let's say you have subscription 131 00:22:52.590 --> 00:23:15.600 Ashwin Bharath: information which is on A, which resides on another another system. You can't expect your agents to. You know, switch tabs and get all this information right? And even on conventional system, what happens is that if you were to view this particular contact information. You will have to open this contact on a new tab itself. But this is not the case with Devin, as we 132 00:23:15.600 --> 00:23:39.360 Ashwin Bharath: showcase earlier tickets, conversations, issues, everything can be in like one window. Right? That's that's exactly what happens with the con contact as well. So as soon as a chat or a Ca, you know, ticket comes in, the agent can just click on the contact details and get all the relevant information within the same window. Right? So that way they can avoid multiple touch points. And you know, delight their customers. 133 00:23:39.870 --> 00:23:48.190 Ashwin Bharath: So I I think that's it for today. Do you have any specific questions or feedback or. 134 00:23:58.450 --> 00:23:59.978 Naomi Chatterjee: While we're waiting for 135 00:24:00.520 --> 00:24:13.079 Naomi Chatterjee: for questions. Feel free to put them in the chat as well, so we can read those Ashwin. Can you show us how we can, how everyone can reach out to our support team in case of any any help or support that they need. 136 00:24:13.720 --> 00:24:30.055 Ashwin Bharath: Definitely so. If if you like, if you'd like to understand more about Debra, or if you would like to you know, understand how to leverage these functionality that we explain on the call and and incorporate them into your business. You know, you can just navigate to 137 00:24:31.070 --> 00:24:33.050 Ashwin Bharath: debre.ai. 138 00:24:35.560 --> 00:24:49.089 Ashwin Bharath: and over here you have our plug widget wherein you can reach out to us from here. You can just send us a message, and our team will get in touch with you to schedule any demo or get in touch with you. So yeah, we can do that for you. 139 00:24:50.120 --> 00:24:57.150 Naomi Chatterjee: You can actually even navigate to the plug from your instance as well. So, Ashwin, if you go back to even maples, instance. 140 00:24:57.540 --> 00:25:20.080 Ashwin Bharath: Yup on here on the left corner, you see, Maple, you can just click on. Send us a message. And again you'd be connected to our team. So if you have a working, if you have a live product with us, you can just use this functionality, or if you, if you're new to Deb and you're thinking of signing up. You can just navigate to AI and chat from there as well. 141 00:25:28.980 --> 00:25:29.760 Ashwin Bharath: 8. 142 00:25:29.760 --> 00:25:34.919 franco.virzi: I have 1 one question for ready, the support analytics. When you 143 00:25:35.240 --> 00:25:46.410 franco.virzi: when you complete all your for example, Sla's day, chance and stuff and everything you can already see start to see like this is like pre-built, and then as as you go. 144 00:25:46.990 --> 00:25:53.929 franco.virzi: as customers uses it more and more. They can start getting like, yeah, more useful data for both tickets and conversations. Right? 145 00:25:54.380 --> 00:26:19.199 Ashwin Bharath: Definitely. Yes. So this is just. You know, test instance, that we have created. And the date range also matters right? So when you have created that particular sla policy, and if the sla policy did get executed on the ticket or conversation also matters so yes. So once the customers start using Sla the in Sla functioned with the full list and the csat function. They would see more reliability data on here. 146 00:26:20.540 --> 00:26:21.780 franco.virzi: Perfect. Thank you. 147 00:26:22.380 --> 00:26:23.000 Ashwin Bharath: Yeah. 148 00:26:27.130 --> 00:26:28.900 Ashwin Bharath: like any other questions. 149 00:26:37.270 --> 00:26:56.110 Naomi Chatterjee: Great if we have no other questions. I think that was that. Was it for us. Thank you so much, Ashwin, that was really really helpful, and everyone else if you have any anything that you'd like to chat with us about, feel free to use the chat with us and mess. Send us a message. Option someone from our support team will reach out to you. 150 00:26:56.360 --> 00:26:58.800 Naomi Chatterjee: Thank you so much, everyone, and thanks, Ashwin. 151 00:26:59.220 --> 00:27:00.669 Ashwin Bharath: Thank you all. Bye, bye. 152 00:27:01.280 --> 00:27:03.260 franco.virzi: Thanks, Ashley, and thank you, Naomi. Bye. 153 00:27:03.260 --> 00:27:03.780 Arun: Thank you. 154 00:27:03.780 --> 00:27:04.350 Naomi Chatterjee: Check. 155 00:27:05.030 --> 00:27:05.480 Ashwin Bharath: Kieran.
Support Automations with Customer Experience Engineers
WEBVTT - This file was automatically generated by VIMEO 0 00:00:00.165 --> 00:00:03.505 I'm Shivani from the customer experience team here at re. 1 00:00:03.995 --> 00:00:05.845 Joining me today are my colleagues, 2 00:00:06.185 --> 00:00:10.005 and together we're the folks behind the scenes who ensure 3 00:00:10.005 --> 00:00:12.525 that our customers have an amazing experience with us. 4 00:00:13.165 --> 00:00:16.765 Juggling bug fixes alongside feature requests can often fail 5 00:00:17.025 --> 00:00:18.565 an overwhelming thing, right? 6 00:00:19.025 --> 00:00:21.445 So it often feels like walking on a tight rope, 7 00:00:21.905 --> 00:00:25.325 and it's about addressing critical issues while also keeping 8 00:00:25.325 --> 00:00:26.845 an eye on enhancements, right? 9 00:00:27.385 --> 00:00:31.325 But what if I tell you that there is a way to automate some 10 00:00:31.325 --> 00:00:35.245 of these processes, freeing up our team to focus on 11 00:00:35.315 --> 00:00:36.645 what matters most. 12 00:00:37.145 --> 00:00:40.565 That's how we can provide top-notch customer support, right? 13 00:00:41.065 --> 00:00:43.925 So that is where dev workflows comes in. 14 00:00:44.425 --> 00:00:47.805 And today we'll be, uh, showcasing on 15 00:00:47.905 --> 00:00:50.605 how we leverage dev drive's custom workflows 16 00:00:50.865 --> 00:00:53.565 to streamline a support operations for bug 17 00:00:53.905 --> 00:00:55.045 and feature requests. 18 00:00:55.745 --> 00:00:59.685 You'll also see how we use workflows to automate tasks, 19 00:01:00.235 --> 00:01:01.605 improve efficiency, 20 00:01:02.065 --> 00:01:04.125 and ultimately deliver a smoother 21 00:01:04.215 --> 00:01:05.765 experience for our customers. 22 00:01:06.945 --> 00:01:10.285 And before we begin, just please don't hesitate 23 00:01:10.285 --> 00:01:11.965 to ask any questions along the way. 24 00:01:12.465 --> 00:01:15.565 And we are here help you get the most out. 25 00:01:15.795 --> 00:01:20.325 This today's session in today's agenda revolves 26 00:01:20.665 --> 00:01:23.325 around our approach to on-call, conversations, 27 00:01:23.885 --> 00:01:25.885 handling works, and managing feature requests. 28 00:01:26.625 --> 00:01:28.125 So let's kick things off 29 00:01:28.195 --> 00:01:31.205 with a deep dive into our on-call Flow, presented by ha 30 00:01:32.145 --> 00:01:34.485 and following that we hear from Puna 31 00:01:34.485 --> 00:01:36.005 and Ro who will walk you 32 00:01:36.005 --> 00:01:38.085 through our Strategies for Managing Box. 33 00:01:38.705 --> 00:01:41.245 So without further ado, let's get started. 34 00:01:44.015 --> 00:01:46.045 Thank you, Shivani. Hope I'm Audible. 35 00:01:46.505 --> 00:01:49.485 So myself, a from customer experience team, 36 00:01:49.625 --> 00:01:52.165 and I'll be walking you through the inbox workflow 37 00:01:52.165 --> 00:01:54.365 that we have implemented in dev develop. 38 00:01:55.635 --> 00:01:59.045 Yeah, so in dev develop, we have an automated 39 00:01:59.265 --> 00:02:02.405 and an upgraded way of handling the conversations and inbox. 40 00:02:02.945 --> 00:02:05.245 So just getting, starting from the basics. 41 00:02:05.245 --> 00:02:06.845 So what is an inbox is nothing 42 00:02:06.905 --> 00:02:09.565 but just like how you have inboxes in your phones 43 00:02:09.745 --> 00:02:11.165 and, and computers. 44 00:02:11.175 --> 00:02:12.645 Inbox is nothing but a place 45 00:02:12.645 --> 00:02:14.445 where we'll have all the interactions 46 00:02:14.445 --> 00:02:16.685 and conversations from the customers in the form 47 00:02:16.705 --> 00:02:18.685 of an object called conversation. 48 00:02:19.625 --> 00:02:20.845 So a conversation, nothing 49 00:02:20.865 --> 00:02:23.965 but an object where, uh, we'll have all the track 50 00:02:23.965 --> 00:02:25.405 of interactions from a customer 51 00:02:25.745 --> 00:02:28.285 and the dev user that does the support agent. 52 00:02:28.985 --> 00:02:31.205 So in Deborah, the support agent 53 00:02:31.305 --> 00:02:34.445 or the L one support is also known as the on-call engineers. 54 00:02:34.905 --> 00:02:37.485 And these conversations initiated by the 55 00:02:38.045 --> 00:02:41.565 customers can come from various sources like Slack plug 56 00:02:41.625 --> 00:02:45.205 and also based on the sources, we segregate them as verified 57 00:02:45.265 --> 00:02:46.485 and and verified customers. 58 00:02:47.025 --> 00:02:49.765 And mostly these on-call engineers are relevant support, 59 00:02:49.785 --> 00:02:52.725 mostly act on the verified customers. 60 00:02:53.385 --> 00:02:56.725 So our first approach is to bring the on engineers 61 00:02:56.725 --> 00:02:59.845 or the one support and the customers together with the help 62 00:02:59.845 --> 00:03:01.125 of the conversation Object. 63 00:03:02.155 --> 00:03:06.125 Yeah. So in Dev we have a notion page. 64 00:03:06.425 --> 00:03:08.965 So this notion page consists of a weekly schedule, 65 00:03:09.335 --> 00:03:12.725 which has the on-call members detail for that week. 66 00:03:13.185 --> 00:03:15.765 And every week we'll be having four on-call members 67 00:03:16.115 --> 00:03:18.645 with each on-call member representing the shift. 68 00:03:19.025 --> 00:03:20.725 And this shift represents a timing. 69 00:03:20.985 --> 00:03:22.405 So in case here, 70 00:03:22.545 --> 00:03:25.285 the India one represents a timing from seven to two, 71 00:03:25.745 --> 00:03:28.325 and India two represents a time from two to nine 72 00:03:28.465 --> 00:03:30.125 and so on for Slovenia and us. 73 00:03:30.745 --> 00:03:31.885 So we do this so 74 00:03:31.885 --> 00:03:33.765 that we could provide a 24 bar seven 75 00:03:33.765 --> 00:03:35.325 support to the customers. 76 00:03:35.825 --> 00:03:37.125 So our first automation, 77 00:03:37.145 --> 00:03:38.205 and the first goal is 78 00:03:38.205 --> 00:03:40.845 to bring this on-call members detail into dev. 79 00:03:41.865 --> 00:03:45.645 So we have an automation that runs on every Monday, 9:00 PM 80 00:03:45.785 --> 00:03:48.325 so that it brings these on-call member details 81 00:03:48.955 --> 00:03:50.565 into dev in the form of groups. 82 00:03:51.225 --> 00:03:53.045 So these groups are dev groups 83 00:03:53.095 --> 00:03:55.325 where we can assign these oncall members 84 00:03:55.745 --> 00:03:57.045 as the owners of those groups. 85 00:03:57.465 --> 00:04:00.285 The group's names are also something, uh, which aligns 86 00:04:00.285 --> 00:04:02.085 with the notion page like India one, 87 00:04:02.535 --> 00:04:04.725 India two Slovenia, and US. 88 00:04:05.145 --> 00:04:07.765 And these are the oncall members for the current week. 89 00:04:07.905 --> 00:04:10.005 So he will be handling the US oncall. 90 00:04:10.005 --> 00:04:14.215 So likewise there will be four on-call members. 91 00:04:14.215 --> 00:04:16.055 Then there will be four groups with each 92 00:04:16.055 --> 00:04:17.055 of them having the owners. 93 00:04:17.355 --> 00:04:19.215 So we assign them as the group owners so 94 00:04:19.215 --> 00:04:21.375 that we can assign the conversations 95 00:04:21.375 --> 00:04:22.855 to them based on the timings. 96 00:04:23.235 --> 00:04:25.775 So there can be conversation to, uh, around the clock. 97 00:04:25.775 --> 00:04:27.255 There will be conversations and 98 00:04:27.615 --> 00:04:28.895 whenever a conversation is created 99 00:04:29.005 --> 00:04:30.495 with within their timeframe. 100 00:04:30.675 --> 00:04:32.735 So they will be assigned the conversations, 101 00:04:33.275 --> 00:04:35.215 and once a conversation is assigned to them, 102 00:04:35.765 --> 00:04:38.175 it's their responsibility to handle the conversation 103 00:04:38.195 --> 00:04:40.055 and provide the resolution to the customer. 104 00:04:40.715 --> 00:04:42.975 In there might be cases when the given 105 00:04:43.085 --> 00:04:44.335 time slot is not enough. 106 00:04:44.795 --> 00:04:47.135 So in such cases it is the responsibility 107 00:04:47.135 --> 00:04:50.015 of the particular on-call member to transfer the ownership 108 00:04:50.015 --> 00:04:51.255 to the next on call member. 109 00:04:51.805 --> 00:04:53.335 They, it might be a case 110 00:04:53.335 --> 00:04:55.895 where this member might not know the next on-call member 111 00:04:55.955 --> 00:04:57.295 or the next support agent. 112 00:04:57.755 --> 00:05:00.055 So they can just change the group, the next group 113 00:05:00.055 --> 00:05:01.095 that is the India too, 114 00:05:01.095 --> 00:05:03.575 and the owner will be changed automatically. 115 00:05:04.265 --> 00:05:06.605 So this is the automation that we have in Dev 116 00:05:06.755 --> 00:05:09.445 that brings the on-call agent or the support agent 117 00:05:09.585 --> 00:05:12.685 and the customers together in the conversation object. 118 00:05:13.265 --> 00:05:15.915 Yeah. So we now we have brought the, uh, 119 00:05:15.975 --> 00:05:18.115 co I mean now we have have an automation 120 00:05:18.115 --> 00:05:20.795 that helps the on-call engineer handle the conversations, 121 00:05:20.815 --> 00:05:22.355 but we also need automations 122 00:05:22.355 --> 00:05:24.235 that help in tracking the performance 123 00:05:24.255 --> 00:05:25.675 and monitoring the performance. 124 00:05:26.135 --> 00:05:27.955 So we also have an automation further. 125 00:05:28.775 --> 00:05:30.715 The automation name is the Slack breach 126 00:05:30.775 --> 00:05:32.035 notify for conversations. 127 00:05:32.575 --> 00:05:33.595 So what it does is 128 00:05:34.755 --> 00:05:36.715 whenever a conversation gets breached, so 129 00:05:37.225 --> 00:05:38.595 they explain on what is a breach. 130 00:05:38.655 --> 00:05:40.155 So there will be some timings 131 00:05:40.155 --> 00:05:41.995 that is given within the timeframe we 132 00:05:41.995 --> 00:05:43.035 need to attend the customer. 133 00:05:43.175 --> 00:05:45.155 So there are two metrics, uh, 134 00:05:45.155 --> 00:05:46.995 namely first responses or next response. 135 00:05:47.335 --> 00:05:49.475 So the fastest response is here, it's two minutes. 136 00:05:49.575 --> 00:05:52.635 So we, when a customer starts the conversation, we need 137 00:05:52.635 --> 00:05:54.835 to attend the conversation within the first two minutes, 138 00:05:55.425 --> 00:05:56.515 that is the first response. 139 00:05:56.535 --> 00:05:58.845 And the next next response will be the next time when the 140 00:05:58.845 --> 00:06:01.605 conversation is begin by the customer, we need 141 00:06:01.605 --> 00:06:03.885 to attend it within the next tollhouse. 142 00:06:04.225 --> 00:06:06.285 So this is the first response or next response. 143 00:06:06.625 --> 00:06:08.845 So whenever they do, when the on-call engineer, 144 00:06:08.845 --> 00:06:10.685 the support agent misses this metrics, 145 00:06:11.255 --> 00:06:14.165 we'll have an automation that sends message in this slack. 146 00:06:14.465 --> 00:06:16.525 So this slack message will be something like this. 147 00:06:17.385 --> 00:06:19.045 So this is an automated message 148 00:06:19.115 --> 00:06:22.565 that would be sent in the Slack with also, it'll have a link 149 00:06:22.565 --> 00:06:24.125 to the conversation with tax 150 00:06:24.185 --> 00:06:25.965 to the particular conversation owner. 151 00:06:26.585 --> 00:06:28.445 We have also made it configurable such 152 00:06:28.445 --> 00:06:31.325 that we can add the members that you need to be mentioned, 153 00:06:31.395 --> 00:06:32.765 like a cc mail. 154 00:06:32.785 --> 00:06:34.645 We can also mention the members here. 155 00:06:35.145 --> 00:06:37.845 So this can also be used as a method of escalation 156 00:06:37.845 --> 00:06:40.085 where you wanna escalate to the next level of support 157 00:06:40.085 --> 00:06:41.285 that is the L two support. 158 00:06:42.105 --> 00:06:44.605 And apart from sending this message in Slack, 159 00:06:44.785 --> 00:06:47.245 we also have added the tag here. 160 00:06:47.395 --> 00:06:48.885 Like the first response is breach, 161 00:06:48.985 --> 00:06:50.285 the next response is breached. 162 00:06:50.425 --> 00:06:53.085 So tags are like the tag that we use in Instagram, 163 00:06:53.085 --> 00:06:54.725 like these are the tag that we add 164 00:06:54.725 --> 00:06:56.285 to a particular conversation object. 165 00:06:56.665 --> 00:06:59.045 So once a tag has been added, now we, 166 00:06:59.045 --> 00:07:01.485 these tags can also have multiple purposes. 167 00:07:01.555 --> 00:07:04.085 Like we can use this tag to build Vista. 168 00:07:04.905 --> 00:07:05.965 So there might be someone 169 00:07:06.065 --> 00:07:07.365 who might be wondering what is a Vista? 170 00:07:07.425 --> 00:07:10.845 So Vista is nothing but a custom view of your objects. 171 00:07:10.945 --> 00:07:13.045 So you can add some filters here, like 172 00:07:13.235 --> 00:07:15.605 what are all the conversations that came from an plug? 173 00:07:15.705 --> 00:07:16.765 So you can add that. 174 00:07:16.785 --> 00:07:19.845 And once you add those filters, you can create your title 175 00:07:19.905 --> 00:07:21.045 and that will be your Vista. 176 00:07:21.555 --> 00:07:23.165 It's your custom view of objects. 177 00:07:23.625 --> 00:07:25.805 So now in my case, I can add the tag, 178 00:07:26.195 --> 00:07:28.165 like I can add the filter as tag, 179 00:07:28.585 --> 00:07:31.285 and in the text I can add the first response breach. 180 00:07:31.825 --> 00:07:33.005 And this will be my Vista. 181 00:07:33.425 --> 00:07:36.325 So this can also be now used as an escalation procedure. 182 00:07:36.825 --> 00:07:39.885 And also they, these tags also have a technical importance 183 00:07:39.885 --> 00:07:42.125 in building these building dashboards in develop. 184 00:07:43.225 --> 00:07:44.245 So this is the automation 185 00:07:44.245 --> 00:07:47.405 that we use in performance monitoring 186 00:07:47.405 --> 00:07:48.765 and metrics calculation. 187 00:07:49.185 --> 00:07:50.645 Moving, moving ahead. 188 00:07:50.705 --> 00:07:54.485 In Deborah, we also conduct midweek meetings in which we 189 00:07:54.485 --> 00:07:57.965 provide, uh, suggestions or feedbacks to the on-call 190 00:07:57.965 --> 00:07:59.965 or the supports on how they're performing. 191 00:08:00.545 --> 00:08:01.645 So in such cases, 192 00:08:01.785 --> 00:08:04.325 the resource which we use is the support analytics dashboard 193 00:08:04.325 --> 00:08:07.765 that will be available in the left of the support tab. 194 00:08:08.385 --> 00:08:10.445 So in the support analytic dashboards, 195 00:08:10.445 --> 00:08:12.125 we'll be having the conversations tab 196 00:08:12.625 --> 00:08:13.845 and in the conversation tab, 197 00:08:13.845 --> 00:08:16.605 when we apply the correct date filters in the range, 198 00:08:16.785 --> 00:08:19.165 and also the owner as the particular on-call member, 199 00:08:19.655 --> 00:08:21.565 we'll be having the four important metrics, 200 00:08:22.185 --> 00:08:23.525 namely the resolution rate, 201 00:08:23.585 --> 00:08:26.045 the rate which a conversation is getting resolved, 202 00:08:26.545 --> 00:08:29.605 and the SLA complaints date, the rate at which the, 203 00:08:29.985 --> 00:08:32.965 the on-call member is not allowing the SLA to be breached. 204 00:08:32.965 --> 00:08:34.925 He's attending a conversation before this, 205 00:08:35.385 --> 00:08:37.245 before the SLA is getting breached. 206 00:08:37.625 --> 00:08:39.765 And also the CSAT that getting, 207 00:08:40.065 --> 00:08:42.565 and the most important, the median first response type. 208 00:08:42.825 --> 00:08:46.285 So here, the person has handled the conversation very well 209 00:08:46.285 --> 00:08:47.365 that he is responding 210 00:08:47.365 --> 00:08:49.245 to the customer within the first six minutes. 211 00:08:49.745 --> 00:08:52.605 So this is how we give feedback to the on call. 212 00:08:52.605 --> 00:08:54.725 And also we hear feedback from them on how, 213 00:08:54.795 --> 00:08:56.365 what are the problems they're facing? 214 00:08:57.065 --> 00:08:59.485 And also we are actively developing 215 00:08:59.625 --> 00:09:03.245 and, uh, ideating on, uh, getting more csat. 216 00:09:03.265 --> 00:09:04.605 So we know that CSAT 217 00:09:04.605 --> 00:09:07.045 or the customer satisfaction score is most important 218 00:09:07.065 --> 00:09:08.445 for a growing company in the market. 219 00:09:08.825 --> 00:09:10.765 So we're also planning on two automations. 220 00:09:10.905 --> 00:09:14.805 So we broadly classify this CSAT into two main thing. 221 00:09:14.825 --> 00:09:15.965 One is the positive ones. 222 00:09:15.965 --> 00:09:19.005 These scores are four and five, that is a positive CS A 223 00:09:19.105 --> 00:09:21.605 and 1, 2, 3, that will be a negative cs. 224 00:09:22.025 --> 00:09:25.125 So whenever we receive a positive Cs a, we send mails 225 00:09:25.125 --> 00:09:27.485 to get reviews in public platforms like g2. 226 00:09:27.485 --> 00:09:28.685 So those reviews will be very much 227 00:09:28.685 --> 00:09:29.965 helpful for the organizations. 228 00:09:30.585 --> 00:09:32.765 And whenever we receive a negative csat, 229 00:09:32.865 --> 00:09:35.205 we also have a similar escalation procedure that we, 230 00:09:35.345 --> 00:09:38.645 for breaches, we'll be sending it now we'll be sending it 231 00:09:38.645 --> 00:09:41.765 to the respective customer success managers so 232 00:09:41.765 --> 00:09:43.005 that they can follow up 233 00:09:43.005 --> 00:09:44.525 with the customer on what went wrong. 234 00:09:45.625 --> 00:09:48.005 So these are the automations that we have in develop 235 00:09:48.005 --> 00:09:50.325 that helps in handling the conversation, 236 00:09:50.335 --> 00:09:53.005 monitoring the performance, and providing feedback. 237 00:09:53.615 --> 00:09:55.885 Apart from this, there is also another automation 238 00:09:56.195 --> 00:09:59.765 that helps the on-call to maybe push it to the next level. 239 00:10:00.225 --> 00:10:03.925 So there can be cases in which an on-call will not be able 240 00:10:03.925 --> 00:10:05.285 to resolve a conversation, right? 241 00:10:05.345 --> 00:10:06.925 So he might not have the knowledge 242 00:10:06.925 --> 00:10:09.525 or he might need an assistance from the product 243 00:10:09.785 --> 00:10:11.525 or the engineering team. 244 00:10:12.025 --> 00:10:14.765 So in such cases, they can create tickets from the 245 00:10:14.765 --> 00:10:16.445 conversation that is the next level. 246 00:10:16.945 --> 00:10:18.885 So they can create it from the ui, 247 00:10:18.915 --> 00:10:20.285 they can create a ticket here. 248 00:10:20.745 --> 00:10:22.325 And once a ticket has been created, 249 00:10:22.625 --> 00:10:23.885 we have an automation running 250 00:10:23.955 --> 00:10:26.125 that automatically changes this stage 251 00:10:26.125 --> 00:10:27.245 of the conversation to. 252 00:10:28.145 --> 00:10:30.525 So once you move a conversation to archive, 253 00:10:30.905 --> 00:10:33.405 the conversation can no longer be reinitiated 254 00:10:33.505 --> 00:10:36.045 and we cannot communicate with the customer from here. 255 00:10:36.545 --> 00:10:38.365 And the next step to follow up 256 00:10:38.365 --> 00:10:39.525 with the customer is the ticket. 257 00:10:39.945 --> 00:10:41.805 So we'll be using the ticket to communicate 258 00:10:41.805 --> 00:10:43.605 with the customer, and the person 259 00:10:43.705 --> 00:10:45.925 who will be handling the tickets will be the to support, 260 00:10:46.175 --> 00:10:48.685 which are the customer experience engineers in Dev. 261 00:10:49.225 --> 00:10:51.285 So they'll be communicating with the product team. 262 00:10:51.285 --> 00:10:52.925 They'll be working with the engineering team 263 00:10:52.945 --> 00:10:55.925 to provide the resolution to the customer so that, uh, 264 00:10:56.105 --> 00:10:57.925 we can satisfy the needs of the customer. 265 00:10:58.545 --> 00:11:00.885 And this marks the end of the inbox workflow 266 00:11:00.885 --> 00:11:04.325 that we have in Dev and now will work, walk us 267 00:11:04.325 --> 00:11:06.765 through the ticket workflow that we have in Dev. 268 00:11:18.045 --> 00:11:20.425 Uh, thanks Har. I'll just share my screen. 269 00:11:23.155 --> 00:11:26.045 Hope my screen is visible now. So, hi all. 270 00:11:26.145 --> 00:11:28.005 I'm pna from Customer Experience team. 271 00:11:28.305 --> 00:11:30.565 So I'll give you the walkthrough of the ticket workflow, 272 00:11:30.565 --> 00:11:32.685 which we have implemented for the pop tickets in Dev. 273 00:11:33.185 --> 00:11:36.245 So these automations help us streamline the handling 274 00:11:36.245 --> 00:11:39.045 of tickets and ensure better alignment in this process. 275 00:11:39.905 --> 00:11:41.685 So we have built a rule engine, 276 00:11:41.815 --> 00:11:44.645 which automatically routes the ticket to a specific group. 277 00:11:44.985 --> 00:11:46.405 So the ticket gets created 278 00:11:46.625 --> 00:11:48.645 and the owner of the ticket will be, uh, 279 00:11:48.665 --> 00:11:49.885 one person among the group. 280 00:11:50.145 --> 00:11:53.325 So in this case, the group is ces, that is us. 281 00:11:53.625 --> 00:11:56.005 So one among us got assigned as the owner here. 282 00:11:56.735 --> 00:12:00.195 So as soon as the ticket gets created, the initial stage 283 00:12:00.195 --> 00:12:01.675 of the ticket is skewed, 284 00:12:05.875 --> 00:12:06.695 is skewed here. 285 00:12:07.275 --> 00:12:08.975 So we have three tabs in tickets. 286 00:12:09.115 --> 00:12:10.855 So the internal discussion, which is used 287 00:12:10.875 --> 00:12:13.175 for the internal communication among our team. 288 00:12:13.635 --> 00:12:15.935 And we have customer messages, which is used 289 00:12:15.935 --> 00:12:17.295 to communicate with the customers. 290 00:12:17.755 --> 00:12:21.255 And we also have the events tab here in which we have all 291 00:12:21.255 --> 00:12:23.895 the details of the, uh, ticket which took place. 292 00:12:25.445 --> 00:12:26.505 So the, as I said 293 00:12:26.505 --> 00:12:28.705 before, the initial stage of the ticket is queued. 294 00:12:28.805 --> 00:12:31.625 So once the ticket gets created, we have an automation call, 295 00:12:31.955 --> 00:12:34.705 smart ticket tagger, which sends the entire context 296 00:12:34.765 --> 00:12:36.305 of the ticket to the OpenAI, 297 00:12:36.555 --> 00:12:39.625 which then identifies the ticket as bug or feature request, 298 00:12:40.045 --> 00:12:42.745 and adds the respective tag and the subtype here. 299 00:12:43.205 --> 00:12:45.585 So in this case, I've created a bug ticket. 300 00:12:46.045 --> 00:12:48.905 So the, uh, tag got added accordingly as bug. 301 00:12:49.165 --> 00:12:53.145 And we also add tag name OpenAI to identify. 302 00:12:53.375 --> 00:12:55.225 This response came from the OpenAI, 303 00:12:55.565 --> 00:12:58.185 and we also added the subtyping back here. 304 00:12:59.425 --> 00:13:02.845 So we, uh, this automation also adds the paid customer tag 305 00:13:02.845 --> 00:13:05.085 and the tier two, uh, tag, uh, 306 00:13:05.375 --> 00:13:08.485 which got a inferred from this customer workspace here. 307 00:13:09.145 --> 00:13:13.545 So, and this automation will also move this 308 00:13:13.875 --> 00:13:16.225 stage to queue to awaiting product assist. 309 00:13:16.565 --> 00:13:19.985 So here we aim to, uh, fasten the process of, uh, 310 00:13:19.985 --> 00:13:23.505 buck tickets so that, uh, it, uh, avoiding it 311 00:13:23.525 --> 00:13:26.865 to get stagnant, uh, in the queue or stage. 312 00:13:28.135 --> 00:13:30.395 So next we have the automation call, uh, 313 00:13:30.395 --> 00:13:32.755 automatic a p creation snap in. 314 00:13:33.255 --> 00:13:35.155 So whenever a bug ticket is created 315 00:13:35.375 --> 00:13:37.835 and transitions to the awaiting product as a stage, 316 00:13:38.265 --> 00:13:39.915 this automation gets triggered 317 00:13:39.935 --> 00:13:42.355 and the issue gets created under the tech lead 318 00:13:42.355 --> 00:13:44.635 or the developer who will be one of the part owners. 319 00:13:45.295 --> 00:13:49.595 So in this, the part owners we have is the tech lead 320 00:13:49.775 --> 00:13:51.115 and the product manager. 321 00:13:51.695 --> 00:13:54.715 So in this case, the T got assigned as the owner 322 00:13:54.815 --> 00:13:55.915 for the created issue. 323 00:13:56.735 --> 00:14:00.155 So the details from the ticket got inferred to the, uh, 324 00:14:00.205 --> 00:14:02.355 issue which got created automatically. 325 00:14:03.675 --> 00:14:07.375 So yeah, so, uh, the, uh, ticket, uh, 326 00:14:07.375 --> 00:14:09.175 the issue creation time is kept 327 00:14:09.195 --> 00:14:11.135 as configurable based on the severity. 328 00:14:11.795 --> 00:14:14.495 So in Deborah, we have the SLA running for the buck tickets. 329 00:14:14.955 --> 00:14:17.975 So in this case, uh, the SLA date, six days, 330 00:14:18.515 --> 00:14:23.295 and uh, we have the target close date updated as May, 2028. 331 00:14:23.715 --> 00:14:26.335 So which, uh, is, which is the responsibility 332 00:14:26.335 --> 00:14:30.135 of another one, which is the target close date update snap. 333 00:14:30.595 --> 00:14:33.735 So that snap automatically infer the close date here 334 00:14:34.195 --> 00:14:36.295 and marks this target close date here. 335 00:14:36.755 --> 00:14:40.695 And this target date, uh, gets inferred in the issue, 336 00:14:40.945 --> 00:14:42.495 which gets autopopulated here. 337 00:14:43.195 --> 00:14:48.155 So whenever the engineering team is, uh, like, uh, 338 00:14:48.375 --> 00:14:51.445 not aware of when, when will this date fee, 339 00:14:51.875 --> 00:14:54.725 they can just infer this, uh, target close date of the, uh, 340 00:14:54.855 --> 00:14:57.725 close date fee and they can just work accordingly. 341 00:14:58.025 --> 00:15:01.085 So this will be creating, uh, visibility among the engineers 342 00:15:01.185 --> 00:15:03.725 and we could just, uh, create like, uh, 343 00:15:04.265 --> 00:15:05.445 the process accordingly. 344 00:15:06.265 --> 00:15:09.005 So yeah, these are some of the automations which we have 345 00:15:09.425 --> 00:15:10.525 for, uh, tickets. 346 00:15:10.905 --> 00:15:13.005 And, uh, I'll just hand over the session 347 00:15:13.025 --> 00:15:15.245 to Ruth who'll be walking you through, uh, 348 00:15:15.335 --> 00:15:16.725 other main automations. 349 00:15:16.915 --> 00:15:17.915 Yeah, thank you. 350 00:15:22.635 --> 00:15:25.025 Thank you. Uh, lemme share my screen on. 351 00:15:43.855 --> 00:15:46.405 Hello everyone. I'm Ruth. Hope my screen is visible. 352 00:15:46.465 --> 00:15:49.765 And I'm audible. I'm from the, uh, customer experience team. 353 00:15:50.795 --> 00:15:52.895 So I would like to explain about the auto 354 00:15:52.895 --> 00:15:54.175 sprint assignment, snap in. 355 00:15:54.955 --> 00:15:58.415 So, uh, this, uh, actually, uh, to ensure 356 00:15:58.415 --> 00:16:00.375 that all the issues are being prioritized, 357 00:16:00.585 --> 00:16:02.255 we'll be assigning them to the correct sprint. 358 00:16:02.995 --> 00:16:07.275 So if, uh, we are not assigning it 359 00:16:07.275 --> 00:16:08.395 to the current sprint, then uh, 360 00:16:08.445 --> 00:16:10.395 it'll be very difficult to track the progress. 361 00:16:10.615 --> 00:16:13.195 So this sprint is very helpful in tracking the progress 362 00:16:13.535 --> 00:16:16.395 and also helps the, uh, team members to get to know 363 00:16:16.395 --> 00:16:17.675 what everyone is working on. 364 00:16:18.375 --> 00:16:21.195 And, uh, if this particular issue is present in RAD State 365 00:16:21.495 --> 00:16:23.995 for a very long time, then it hals the, uh, 366 00:16:23.995 --> 00:16:25.155 ticket resolution progress. 367 00:16:25.735 --> 00:16:29.235 So what this snap-in does is that, uh, this snap-in, uh, 368 00:16:29.235 --> 00:16:32.995 automatically assigns this particular issue to the, uh, uh, 369 00:16:32.995 --> 00:16:34.915 sprint in which the issue owner is working on. 370 00:16:35.455 --> 00:16:37.915 So how it doesn't is that, uh, it takes the list 371 00:16:37.915 --> 00:16:40.675 of all the sprints, which the, uh, issue owner works 372 00:16:41.255 --> 00:16:45.115 and, uh, maps it with the, uh, part, uh, of the, uh, 373 00:16:45.775 --> 00:16:48.595 of the part present in that issue and picks out the sprint 374 00:16:48.655 --> 00:16:50.835 and assign it to this particular issue. 375 00:16:51.575 --> 00:16:54.875 And also, after assigning the issue, it, uh, moves the stage 376 00:16:54.875 --> 00:16:56.435 of the issue to the prioritized states. 377 00:16:56.665 --> 00:16:59.195 Generally, we need the issues to be in, uh, uh, 378 00:16:59.895 --> 00:17:02.275 we should not want the issues to be in trade states. 379 00:17:02.655 --> 00:17:05.355 Uh, we either want to, we either want this issue 380 00:17:05.355 --> 00:17:08.475 to be in a prioritized states if the developer works on this 381 00:17:09.015 --> 00:17:12.835 or in backlog states if the developer can't work on this, so 382 00:17:12.835 --> 00:17:15.155 that, uh, we could communicate to the customer accordingly. 383 00:17:15.735 --> 00:17:18.995 And, uh, this snap is currently not present in our dev. 384 00:17:19.095 --> 00:17:20.595 It is under a testing phase, 385 00:17:20.895 --> 00:17:22.435 and, uh, it'll be deployed soon. 386 00:17:23.535 --> 00:17:26.475 And the next snap-in we have is the SLA breach, not. 387 00:17:27.655 --> 00:17:30.795 So even after all this automation, there are chances that, 388 00:17:30.795 --> 00:17:33.195 uh, the tickets can reach their S ls. 389 00:17:33.945 --> 00:17:37.565 So what this Snap-in does is that it generates a report 390 00:17:37.665 --> 00:17:38.685 of all the tickets 391 00:17:39.475 --> 00:17:42.205 that have breached it SA on a particular day. 392 00:17:42.705 --> 00:17:45.285 So this based 393 00:17:49.005 --> 00:17:51.885 report example, we could, uh, set up either Tuesday 394 00:17:51.985 --> 00:17:53.605 and Thursday, so that, uh, 395 00:17:53.635 --> 00:17:56.885 this report will be shared in Slack on Tuesdays and, 396 00:17:57.425 --> 00:18:00.165 and Thursdays of all the, uh, tickets 397 00:18:00.165 --> 00:18:02.685 that are breach SA along with the, uh, 398 00:18:03.005 --> 00:18:05.805 respective team members and tag them in this slack so that 399 00:18:06.315 --> 00:18:08.725 this team members can, uh, work on these tickets 400 00:18:08.905 --> 00:18:09.965 and, uh, prioritize them. 401 00:18:11.345 --> 00:18:15.365 And, uh, so how this, uh, this is how the 402 00:18:15.975 --> 00:18:19.525 Slack report looks like, uh, you could see that, uh, uh, 403 00:18:19.525 --> 00:18:22.485 these tickets are present in have SLA 404 00:18:22.505 --> 00:18:24.445 and are present in our product as states. 405 00:18:24.905 --> 00:18:28.445 So it tag the respective product managers so that, uh, 406 00:18:28.755 --> 00:18:30.485 they could give the assistance accordingly. 407 00:18:31.065 --> 00:18:34.205 And we could see that these tickets have breach this SLA 408 00:18:34.505 --> 00:18:36.565 and are present in, uh, awaiting development 409 00:18:36.585 --> 00:18:40.405 and in development stage, so that, uh, it also tags the, uh, 410 00:18:40.415 --> 00:18:43.285 issue on the issue owners so that, uh, they could, uh, 411 00:18:43.475 --> 00:18:46.405 take a quick action on this under all this tickets. 412 00:18:47.065 --> 00:18:50.165 So, uh, this is how the report looks like. 413 00:18:51.535 --> 00:18:56.425 And, um, so this is the snap in which I was talking about 414 00:18:56.545 --> 00:18:57.585 a celebrities notifier. 415 00:18:58.245 --> 00:18:59.585 So under configure. 416 00:18:59.725 --> 00:19:01.025 So, uh, what we can do is 417 00:19:01.025 --> 00:19:04.145 that we could just give the Slack channel ID here so that, 418 00:19:04.245 --> 00:19:05.785 uh, in this particular Slack channel, 419 00:19:05.835 --> 00:19:07.225 we'll be getting the report 420 00:19:07.805 --> 00:19:11.265 and, uh, we can even add, uh, mail IDs of the particular, 421 00:19:11.325 --> 00:19:13.545 uh, member support members so that, uh, 422 00:19:13.545 --> 00:19:16.105 they'll be notified every time the report is sent. 423 00:19:17.225 --> 00:19:19.925 And, uh, we could also give a quick introduction message 424 00:19:20.065 --> 00:19:21.325 or the message for each 425 00:19:21.325 --> 00:19:24.845 and every stages so that, uh, it is easy to customize. 426 00:19:25.855 --> 00:19:28.795 And, uh, we could select the days at which the report should 427 00:19:28.795 --> 00:19:30.115 be sent to the Slack here. 428 00:19:30.655 --> 00:19:32.555 In my case, I have choose the Tuesdays 429 00:19:32.555 --> 00:19:35.275 and Thursdays so that this report will be generated 430 00:19:35.495 --> 00:19:38.555 and we'll be having a, a meet with these people so as 431 00:19:38.555 --> 00:19:41.355 to trash these tickets and practice them quickly. 432 00:19:42.575 --> 00:19:45.545 So this is one of the Snap-in. 433 00:19:46.165 --> 00:19:50.205 And, uh, due to these automations, we do create a lot 434 00:19:50.205 --> 00:19:52.045 of issues and assigned to the developers. 435 00:19:52.505 --> 00:19:53.565 So this might, uh, 436 00:19:53.565 --> 00:19:55.845 the developers might feel very confused on, uh, 437 00:19:56.155 --> 00:19:57.925 what are the tickets being assigned to them and when 438 00:19:57.925 --> 00:19:59.445 and when to prioritize them, et cetera. 439 00:19:59.905 --> 00:20:04.005 So we do have a separate dashboard for the developers, 440 00:20:04.005 --> 00:20:05.565 which is called the Developer Dashboard, 441 00:20:05.735 --> 00:20:08.245 which tracks all these issues, which are being assigned 442 00:20:08.245 --> 00:20:10.765 to them and helps them to prioritize that daily task. 443 00:20:11.185 --> 00:20:13.485 So let give a quick walkthrough on the dashboard. 444 00:20:16.465 --> 00:20:18.645 So this is the dashboard, so the 445 00:20:19.905 --> 00:20:22.215 developers can quickly add themself as the owner 446 00:20:22.235 --> 00:20:25.295 and the owner filter here, so that they'll be getting, uh, 447 00:20:25.445 --> 00:20:27.135 only those work items 448 00:20:27.315 --> 00:20:29.015 or the issues that are being assigned to them. 449 00:20:29.755 --> 00:20:32.575 And, uh, so that, uh, these widget will be helpful for them. 450 00:20:32.955 --> 00:20:36.135 So the first widget is the, uh, list of non issues. 451 00:20:36.675 --> 00:20:40.535 So this widget shows all the issues which are still in triad 452 00:20:40.535 --> 00:20:43.655 stage and are linked to the bug tickets so that, uh, 453 00:20:43.675 --> 00:20:46.295 the developers can quickly open this particular issue 454 00:20:46.635 --> 00:20:48.325 and, uh, move them to backlog 455 00:20:48.325 --> 00:20:49.645 or prioritize stage accordingly. 456 00:20:50.915 --> 00:20:53.455 And this widget is very much helpful. 457 00:20:53.675 --> 00:20:56.455 So this widget actually, uh, shows all the issues 458 00:20:56.725 --> 00:20:59.095 that have already breached its, uh, target closed date, 459 00:20:59.355 --> 00:21:02.495 and also shows the number of days it got breached from. 460 00:21:03.335 --> 00:21:06.235 So, uh, the developers can prioritize these issues 461 00:21:06.235 --> 00:21:09.355 accordingly, or else, uh, if needed, they can communicate 462 00:21:09.355 --> 00:21:11.555 accordingly and change its, uh, target to state. 463 00:21:12.865 --> 00:21:15.365 And, uh, this widget is the, uh, 464 00:21:15.365 --> 00:21:16.925 shows the list of non-planned issues. 465 00:21:17.425 --> 00:21:19.245 So all these issues, uh, 466 00:21:19.245 --> 00:21:21.325 listed here does not have any sprints linked to them. 467 00:21:21.785 --> 00:21:23.925 And without having sprints linked to them, 468 00:21:24.035 --> 00:21:26.605 it's a bit difficult to, uh, track the progress. 469 00:21:27.065 --> 00:21:29.125 So the developers can quickly open these issues 470 00:21:29.505 --> 00:21:32.165 and, uh, can add it to the sprints. 471 00:21:34.115 --> 00:21:36.975 And, uh, here we do show the timeline graph 472 00:21:36.975 --> 00:21:39.055 of the target close date versus ticket severity. 473 00:21:39.755 --> 00:21:41.495 And, uh, here and 474 00:21:41.495 --> 00:21:42.855 after this, all the issue, 475 00:21:42.995 --> 00:21:45.815 all the wi in the left hand side denotes the, 476 00:21:45.835 --> 00:21:47.095 uh, breach issues. 477 00:21:47.885 --> 00:21:50.545 And all the right hand side denotes the active issues 478 00:21:50.575 --> 00:21:51.945 that are not breached. 479 00:21:52.445 --> 00:21:56.065 So, uh, in this widget, uh, we do show a timeline graph 480 00:21:56.065 --> 00:21:57.905 of target posted ticket severity. 481 00:21:58.445 --> 00:22:01.665 Uh, here we could see that, uh, there are two tickets. 482 00:22:02.045 --> 00:22:04.225 One is of high and another is of blocker 483 00:22:04.655 --> 00:22:06.305 that have already breach its, uh, 484 00:22:07.285 --> 00:22:08.465 SLA on this particular date. 485 00:22:09.385 --> 00:22:13.005 So this widget is, uh, helpful to prioritize the task 486 00:22:13.185 --> 00:22:14.325 by developers accordingly. 487 00:22:15.945 --> 00:22:17.565 And, uh, with this widget 488 00:22:18.385 --> 00:22:21.405 and this widget shows, uh, the number of, uh, issues 489 00:22:21.405 --> 00:22:23.245 that are not, it resolved 490 00:22:23.905 --> 00:22:26.685 and has already breached its target close date. 491 00:22:26.945 --> 00:22:28.045 So this is the count we have. 492 00:22:28.105 --> 00:22:31.845 And, um, similarly, we have unresolved issues count here, 493 00:22:33.285 --> 00:22:35.785 and, uh, this widget shows the number 494 00:22:35.805 --> 00:22:39.225 of issues which have triaged a non triaged in a percentage 495 00:22:39.225 --> 00:22:40.825 way, um, which, uh, 496 00:22:40.825 --> 00:22:42.825 already breached its, uh, target closed date. 497 00:22:43.405 --> 00:22:45.305 So we can just click, click it 498 00:22:45.305 --> 00:22:47.025 and go through a drill, drill through, 499 00:22:47.365 --> 00:22:49.385 and we could, uh, see the issues accordingly. 500 00:22:49.605 --> 00:22:51.785 And similarly, in the, in this right hand side widget, uh, 501 00:22:51.845 --> 00:22:55.345 we do have these issues which are not at breached SA 502 00:22:56.125 --> 00:22:59.025 and, uh, this widget shows the, uh, number of critical 503 00:22:59.025 --> 00:23:01.705 and noncritical issues that are, uh, with sla. 504 00:23:02.125 --> 00:23:04.105 So, critical issues means all those issues 505 00:23:04.135 --> 00:23:06.825 that have been linked to the, uh, high-end blocker tickets, 506 00:23:07.365 --> 00:23:10.345 and noncritical means all those issues that have been linked 507 00:23:10.345 --> 00:23:11.785 to the, uh, medium and low tickets. 508 00:23:12.685 --> 00:23:14.625 Uh, and similarly, the right hand side shows the, uh, 509 00:23:14.625 --> 00:23:18.895 active count and going on this widget, uh, 510 00:23:18.895 --> 00:23:22.535 this widget shows, uh, uh, this a number of issues 511 00:23:22.535 --> 00:23:23.855 that are linked to a particular sprint 512 00:23:23.855 --> 00:23:25.175 and not linked to a particular sprint. 513 00:23:25.635 --> 00:23:26.975 Uh, this should be helpful so 514 00:23:26.975 --> 00:23:28.535 that the developers can quickly click 515 00:23:28.535 --> 00:23:29.615 through the sprint not linked, 516 00:23:29.615 --> 00:23:32.215 and, uh, move them to the correct sprints accordingly. 517 00:23:32.615 --> 00:23:34.615 Moreover, this can also be, uh, very helpful 518 00:23:34.635 --> 00:23:39.055 for the product managers to prioritize their sprints. 519 00:23:40.075 --> 00:23:42.895 So, uh, these are all the automations we do have, uh, 520 00:23:43.675 --> 00:23:45.085 we are using for workflow, 521 00:23:45.625 --> 00:23:48.925 and I'm handing over this session to Shivani for, uh, 522 00:23:49.545 --> 00:23:50.685 the feature request workflow. 523 00:23:52.335 --> 00:23:54.075 Yeah, thank you aro. 524 00:23:56.805 --> 00:23:57.835 Lemme share my screen. 525 00:24:01.995 --> 00:24:06.815 So, uh, while you guys saw the automations for box 526 00:24:07.075 --> 00:24:10.095 and inbox, so we now have the workflow 527 00:24:10.115 --> 00:24:11.535 for the feature request also, 528 00:24:11.875 --> 00:24:15.255 but we're, uh, in, in the implementation phase where it, 529 00:24:15.325 --> 00:24:16.855 this will be out in a few days. 530 00:24:17.555 --> 00:24:21.055 So as a, first, let's start with the onboarding of things. 531 00:24:21.595 --> 00:24:25.215 So in Dev, we usually handle these onboarding tickets 532 00:24:25.555 --> 00:24:27.855 and the features, uh, feature request tickets very 533 00:24:27.855 --> 00:24:29.895 differently because feature requests 534 00:24:29.895 --> 00:24:33.335 and bugs are usually handled by the support, whereas, uh, 535 00:24:33.335 --> 00:24:36.095 onboarding things the account owners comes into, 536 00:24:36.275 --> 00:24:37.375 uh, play directly. 537 00:24:37.795 --> 00:24:40.135 So, uh, rather than having the support person, 538 00:24:40.205 --> 00:24:42.735 account owners and the customers in in place, 539 00:24:42.875 --> 00:24:44.895 we just have a different flow for the onboarding. 540 00:24:45.555 --> 00:24:48.175 So, uh, while usually we take care, 541 00:24:48.235 --> 00:24:51.775 we usually take Care CE take off the tickets, we just, uh, 542 00:24:52.125 --> 00:24:54.735 have account owners directly involved in this, 543 00:24:55.125 --> 00:24:57.855 thereby taking some of the information from the account 544 00:24:58.195 --> 00:25:00.175 and displaying it in the ticket, such 545 00:25:00.175 --> 00:25:02.655 as the account information they face. 546 00:25:03.155 --> 00:25:06.135 And whenever, uh, the enhancement gets done 547 00:25:06.135 --> 00:25:08.175 or an issue linked to it gets completed, 548 00:25:08.315 --> 00:25:11.615 the account owners will be directly notified rather than 549 00:25:11.615 --> 00:25:13.335 support person coming into play. 550 00:25:13.635 --> 00:25:16.415 So this also reduce a lot of support person, uh, 551 00:25:16.415 --> 00:25:20.935 support people work, uh, also ensuring that we give out 552 00:25:20.965 --> 00:25:23.375 what the customers want while they're in, uh, 553 00:25:23.375 --> 00:25:24.975 while they're in their onboarding phase. 554 00:25:25.875 --> 00:25:28.495 So we're achieving this through the custom fields 555 00:25:28.515 --> 00:25:30.735 and subtypes, which we have it in depth. 556 00:25:31.755 --> 00:25:34.895 So as a next, coming to the real feature request flow, 557 00:25:35.035 --> 00:25:39.535 as mentioned, bug is something, uh, when an issue 558 00:25:39.755 --> 00:25:41.495 or error comes, right? 559 00:25:41.755 --> 00:25:43.295 But feature request is something 560 00:25:43.615 --> 00:25:48.175 whenever a customer asks for a feature, which is not in dev, 561 00:25:48.915 --> 00:25:53.575 so once a ticket created from that, the PMs, the engineering 562 00:25:53.575 --> 00:25:55.335 and the product team have to come in 563 00:25:55.675 --> 00:25:58.975 and they have to see whether they have the, uh, 564 00:26:00.045 --> 00:26:02.735 whether the enhancement is in roadmap 565 00:26:02.795 --> 00:26:04.415 or will they able to take this up. 566 00:26:05.075 --> 00:26:06.895 So, uh, when the enhancement, 567 00:26:06.995 --> 00:26:09.455 so enhancement are also a crucial part in, 568 00:26:09.455 --> 00:26:10.495 in the feature request tickets. 569 00:26:11.035 --> 00:26:13.135 And you can see often in enhancement 570 00:26:13.135 --> 00:26:14.375 will be linked to a ticket. 571 00:26:15.115 --> 00:26:17.055 So what, what is the visibility 572 00:26:17.115 --> 00:26:18.975 of the enhancement to the ticket, right? 573 00:26:19.275 --> 00:26:22.535 So if we have to inform the customer about the ETA 574 00:26:22.715 --> 00:26:24.895 or when this particular feature will be done, 575 00:26:24.995 --> 00:26:27.375 we want few information from enhancement 576 00:26:27.375 --> 00:26:29.455 to be in the ticket while we do it. 577 00:26:29.455 --> 00:26:32.815 So, so we take the target close effort of enhancement 578 00:26:32.955 --> 00:26:34.935 and put it in ticket so that support 579 00:26:34.955 --> 00:26:37.055 and the support person have the visibility 580 00:26:37.085 --> 00:26:38.335 when this will be get done. 581 00:26:38.595 --> 00:26:42.415 And whenever customer ask for an update, we see it 582 00:26:42.475 --> 00:26:44.645 and just inform the customer right now. 583 00:26:44.645 --> 00:26:47.925 And then, and as a next step to it, uh, 584 00:26:48.205 --> 00:26:49.925 whenever an enhancement state changes, 585 00:26:50.225 --> 00:26:52.965 let us say it's from ideation phase to in progress. 586 00:26:53.465 --> 00:26:57.765 So rather than a, a support person coming in for each state 587 00:26:57.785 --> 00:26:59.445 and letting the customers know, 588 00:26:59.785 --> 00:27:03.525 or just while, so usually support person, just, uh, 589 00:27:04.245 --> 00:27:06.325 communicate to the customer that this ticket has been 590 00:27:06.325 --> 00:27:09.125 created and upon resolution only the support person 591 00:27:09.175 --> 00:27:10.245 might go back, right? 592 00:27:10.665 --> 00:27:15.085 So, uh, just to have the customer alongside, uh, with us, 593 00:27:15.345 --> 00:27:18.565 we, while on the enhancement stage updates itself, we try 594 00:27:18.565 --> 00:27:20.805 to communicate to the customer, customer 595 00:27:20.835 --> 00:27:23.885 that this particular features from ideation team progress. 596 00:27:23.905 --> 00:27:25.405 We are developing it for you right now. 597 00:27:26.145 --> 00:27:28.725 So that, so by this thing, uh, we are trying 598 00:27:28.745 --> 00:27:33.005 to keep the customers within the, uh, within the process, 599 00:27:33.145 --> 00:27:35.365 trying to let them know of our next steps 600 00:27:35.365 --> 00:27:37.445 and what we are doing currently. 601 00:27:38.465 --> 00:27:43.125 So as next, so usually feature requests, unlike bugs as 602 00:27:43.685 --> 00:27:46.325 mentioned, we just try to shorten the time. 603 00:27:46.345 --> 00:27:48.045 If you really know it's a bug, right? 604 00:27:48.075 --> 00:27:51.605 From going from queue to a product assist. 605 00:27:51.905 --> 00:27:53.085 So here we cannot do it. 606 00:27:53.145 --> 00:27:56.205 So the ticket will be staying in a waiting product assist 607 00:27:56.205 --> 00:28:00.405 because we need the product support to, uh, to let, 608 00:28:00.585 --> 00:28:01.725 let us know the updates of 609 00:28:01.725 --> 00:28:03.445 how they're gonna do when they're gonna do. 610 00:28:03.825 --> 00:28:06.805 But there are chances that the, the, 611 00:28:07.075 --> 00:28:10.445 that the ticket might be called in that stage itself, right? 612 00:28:10.705 --> 00:28:14.405 So that's why we have something called a nudge bot here. 613 00:28:14.595 --> 00:28:19.285 What what it'll do is once the ticket stays in the Aing 614 00:28:19.285 --> 00:28:20.725 product assist for a long time, 615 00:28:21.025 --> 00:28:23.965 rather than the support person come, comes checking it, 616 00:28:24.065 --> 00:28:27.205 and again, manually trying to nudge the people, it, 617 00:28:27.385 --> 00:28:29.485 it automatically nudge just the part owners. 618 00:28:29.745 --> 00:28:32.885 So part owners, let's say this particular, uh, 619 00:28:32.885 --> 00:28:34.805 enhancement belong belongs to m Belong. 620 00:28:34.905 --> 00:28:36.365 So this takes the part owners, 621 00:28:36.905 --> 00:28:39.365 and it'll even create a n saying 622 00:28:39.365 --> 00:28:40.805 that this ticket has been sitting 623 00:28:40.865 --> 00:28:42.085 in the stage for a long time. 624 00:28:42.085 --> 00:28:44.925 Please look at it. So we have a four nut system 625 00:28:44.975 --> 00:28:46.965 where this happens and you can see 626 00:28:46.965 --> 00:28:50.045 after nudge, second nudge the, uh, 627 00:28:50.065 --> 00:28:53.445 the person have come in and, you know, looked at the ticket. 628 00:28:53.985 --> 00:28:57.605 And later still, if we don't see any linkage of issues 629 00:28:57.705 --> 00:29:00.325 or enhancement, still, we just did not, 630 00:29:00.325 --> 00:29:02.405 third nudge would be the escalation. 631 00:29:02.785 --> 00:29:04.685 So, and the fourth nudge is also an escalation 632 00:29:04.685 --> 00:29:07.645 where this is when the support person really comes in 633 00:29:07.945 --> 00:29:10.525 and just looks at the ticket. 634 00:29:10.945 --> 00:29:14.325 So this greatly reduces the manual intervention, 635 00:29:14.915 --> 00:29:16.525 thereby even if we have a lot 636 00:29:16.525 --> 00:29:18.645 and lots of tickets, we need not even 637 00:29:19.265 --> 00:29:20.325 go through each one of them. 638 00:29:20.425 --> 00:29:21.725 The tickets will do its job. 639 00:29:22.155 --> 00:29:24.445 Like the, these automations will do its job, 640 00:29:24.805 --> 00:29:27.325 ensuring the ticket, whether it is progressing or not. 641 00:29:27.395 --> 00:29:29.285 They were reducing the coldness in the ticket. 642 00:29:31.145 --> 00:29:33.085 So next is, uh, 643 00:29:33.945 --> 00:29:36.245 we have the CVR REA assessment automation. 644 00:29:36.545 --> 00:29:39.525 So let us say, uh, a customer is asking, saying 645 00:29:39.525 --> 00:29:43.445 that this is a priority while on either on the onboarding 646 00:29:43.475 --> 00:29:47.405 case or after, you know, after, uh, go live. 647 00:29:47.905 --> 00:29:50.365 Uh, but still after three to four months 648 00:29:50.545 --> 00:29:52.605 or any x months later, he 649 00:29:52.605 --> 00:29:54.405 or she, uh, the customer might not 650 00:29:54.405 --> 00:29:55.605 have the same priority, right? 651 00:29:55.825 --> 00:29:58.565 So after X months, let's come back, 652 00:29:58.875 --> 00:30:01.925 have a recheck on whether this is of the same priority. 653 00:30:01.925 --> 00:30:05.165 If not, let's reduce it so that we can reduce, uh, some 654 00:30:05.185 --> 00:30:09.485 of the work, uh, off the shoulders of engineering. 655 00:30:09.905 --> 00:30:13.125 So we have a few automations like this, uh, 656 00:30:13.125 --> 00:30:17.005 where we are planning to get it done, uh, in a few days. 657 00:30:17.985 --> 00:30:22.605 So yeah, so that's it from our side on inbox workflow, uh, 658 00:30:22.695 --> 00:30:25.645 inbox, workflows, box and feature requests. 659 00:30:25.785 --> 00:30:28.805 But now the question is, we have shown you this automations, 660 00:30:29.025 --> 00:30:30.405 how to build this, right? 661 00:30:30.905 --> 00:30:33.605 Uh, so we have two ways of building these automations. 662 00:30:33.865 --> 00:30:36.525 So one is through Workflow Builder, which is a low code, 663 00:30:36.585 --> 00:30:39.245 no code platform, and the next is snaps, 664 00:30:39.375 --> 00:30:41.045 where we have to pull this out. 665 00:30:41.585 --> 00:30:44.205 So lemme show, lemme walk through this code. 666 00:30:44.705 --> 00:30:47.445 So this is the workflows and, 667 00:30:48.025 --> 00:30:52.125 and, uh, we can see when, uh, explain that, right? 668 00:30:52.145 --> 00:30:54.925 So whenever a ticket gets created, routes to see group, 669 00:30:55.345 --> 00:30:57.845 so this is the workflow behind this. 670 00:30:58.025 --> 00:31:01.005 So it's just, uh, uh, it's just triggers, conditions 671 00:31:01.005 --> 00:31:02.645 and actions we have to drag 672 00:31:02.645 --> 00:31:04.805 and drop saying that what is the trigger 673 00:31:05.025 --> 00:31:07.925 and what is the condition and what action it should do. 674 00:31:08.345 --> 00:31:10.605 So this also can be done through APIs, 675 00:31:10.605 --> 00:31:11.925 which is like low code, 676 00:31:12.145 --> 00:31:14.805 but it's also completely available in dev ui. 677 00:31:15.145 --> 00:31:18.725 You can just, uh, copy, uh, you can just drag and drop. 678 00:31:19.385 --> 00:31:23.845 So a few in, in few, uh, near future, we are also planning 679 00:31:23.945 --> 00:31:26.045 to release the, uh, kron 680 00:31:26.345 --> 00:31:29.485 and time based automations, so that rather than going, 681 00:31:29.765 --> 00:31:32.325 stepping into the snap for those kind of automations, 682 00:31:32.425 --> 00:31:34.325 we can directly use the workflows for them. 683 00:31:35.385 --> 00:31:37.725 And next is snap ins. 684 00:31:38.025 --> 00:31:42.525 So snap ins are completely, uh, we have a, a platform 685 00:31:42.545 --> 00:31:43.565 to build snaps 686 00:31:44.025 --> 00:31:46.405 and we have a very good documentation of how 687 00:31:46.405 --> 00:31:47.725 to build these snap ins, right? 688 00:31:48.105 --> 00:31:52.085 So for example, like you can start from snap in manifest 689 00:31:52.295 --> 00:31:55.485 where we can just a step by step thing of 690 00:31:55.595 --> 00:31:58.565 what are the things, like what web hooks we can use, 691 00:31:58.635 --> 00:32:00.325 what functions can be used, 692 00:32:00.415 --> 00:32:02.165 everything along with an example. 693 00:32:02.825 --> 00:32:07.405 So this can be easily once upon, uh, creating these snaps, 694 00:32:07.405 --> 00:32:10.565 we can easily release it through the dev CLI itself. 695 00:32:11.225 --> 00:32:15.525 So it's not a complex, but this snaps can be used whenever 696 00:32:15.705 --> 00:32:17.965 and automation have complex operations 697 00:32:18.345 --> 00:32:21.405 or complex three to four to five a PA calls 698 00:32:21.425 --> 00:32:24.085 and steps to achieve, uh, something which we need. 699 00:32:24.945 --> 00:32:26.925 And, uh, this is, yeah, we, 700 00:32:26.925 --> 00:32:30.325 even though we have a very good documentation of it, 701 00:32:30.415 --> 00:32:33.245 we're also here to help you out if you guys need 702 00:32:33.245 --> 00:32:34.405 to build any snap. 703 00:32:34.985 --> 00:32:38.485 And we also have a public repository where we can, 704 00:32:38.705 --> 00:32:40.725 we have all these details, so how 705 00:32:40.725 --> 00:32:42.685 to create a Snapple from scratch, 706 00:32:43.185 --> 00:32:46.765 but we're also here, dev, you can, uh, let us know 707 00:32:46.825 --> 00:32:48.165 of anything anytime. 708 00:32:48.185 --> 00:32:50.805 And we're also here to help you with all these things. 709 00:32:52.105 --> 00:32:56.045 And this is how we, this is how we, uh, automate some 710 00:32:56.045 --> 00:32:57.325 of the mundane processes 711 00:32:57.825 --> 00:33:02.245 and trying to reduce the time that we, we put trying 712 00:33:02.245 --> 00:33:03.885 to reduce the manual intervention. 713 00:33:04.545 --> 00:33:07.645 And that is how we try to provide the top notch 714 00:33:08.325 --> 00:33:11.045 customer service and focus on building product 715 00:33:11.145 --> 00:33:13.405 and service that users a little. 716 00:33:14.105 --> 00:33:16.285 So yeah, that's it from my side. 717 00:33:16.545 --> 00:33:19.885 And now feel free to shoot any questions or feedbacks 718 00:33:19.905 --> 00:33:21.165 and we're all yours now. 719 00:33:21.535 --> 00:33:22.535 Thank you. 720 00:33:39.965 --> 00:33:43.305 We would love to take any questions, comments, feedback, 721 00:33:43.385 --> 00:33:45.505 thoughts, really anything, uh, 722 00:33:45.505 --> 00:33:47.985 either use the chat option or come off mute. 723 00:33:48.015 --> 00:33:49.825 We'd love to hear from you like Shivani said. 724 00:33:50.975 --> 00:33:51.265 Yeah. 725 00:34:00.045 --> 00:34:03.585 Uh, yes. So I, I have one question. 726 00:34:03.765 --> 00:34:06.705 So you talked about issue management, right? 727 00:34:06.805 --> 00:34:09.945 So, uh, when a particular issue takes more time, like 728 00:34:10.565 --> 00:34:13.665 say a few months, does uh, is there any automation 729 00:34:13.665 --> 00:34:17.465 that automatically escalate the, you know, issue level? 730 00:34:18.995 --> 00:34:20.615 Is there any feature like that? 731 00:34:21.675 --> 00:34:24.925 Yeah, uh, so, uh, it's, it's not for issue. 732 00:34:24.945 --> 00:34:26.165 So as your support, right? 733 00:34:26.265 --> 00:34:28.205 Uh, a ticket object is the support module. 734 00:34:28.705 --> 00:34:32.445 So we already have the nut snap in, uh, trying to, um, 735 00:34:33.385 --> 00:34:35.725 let us know before the escalation itself, right? 736 00:34:36.105 --> 00:34:38.005 So that is the automation that we do. 737 00:34:38.035 --> 00:34:39.965 This is like a long term trying 738 00:34:39.965 --> 00:34:42.445 to check if the customer really needs it 739 00:34:42.445 --> 00:34:43.885 after this long period of time. 740 00:34:44.895 --> 00:34:47.555 So rather than escalation process, uh, yeah, 741 00:34:47.575 --> 00:34:49.915 of course you can take it as a escalation process also 742 00:34:49.915 --> 00:34:51.715 because it notifies the account owner 743 00:34:51.725 --> 00:34:52.755 along with ticket owner. 744 00:34:53.535 --> 00:34:57.195 So, and later that we'll just try to, uh, 745 00:34:57.375 --> 00:34:59.875 ask from the customer side whether you really need this 746 00:34:59.875 --> 00:35:01.675 feature after this much period of time. 747 00:35:03.655 --> 00:35:04.865 Hope I answered your questions. 748 00:35:05.295 --> 00:35:07.795 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. Yeah, 749 00:35:20.815 --> 00:35:25.235 Let us know what trying to do possible now. 750 00:35:26.825 --> 00:35:30.175 Uh, not audible. Okay, 751 00:35:30.885 --> 00:35:34.655 Come again. Yeah. 752 00:35:35.605 --> 00:35:38.325 Okay. I would like to know little bit more the GID 753 00:35:38.325 --> 00:35:40.245 actions in the marketplace, 754 00:35:42.785 --> 00:35:44.485 GI issues in the marketplace, 755 00:35:45.225 --> 00:35:46.225 The actions. 756 00:35:49.525 --> 00:35:51.385 Can you please type it out in the chat? 757 00:35:52.785 --> 00:35:54.355 Okay. One second. Yeah, 758 00:36:06.115 --> 00:36:06.405 Yeah. 759 00:36:07.465 --> 00:36:10.415 Uh, GitHub actions. 760 00:36:10.795 --> 00:36:13.095 So I don't know in which context you're asking, 761 00:36:13.115 --> 00:36:15.895 but let, let answer from the support end. 762 00:36:16.275 --> 00:36:18.895 Um, so we have a GitHub snap in 763 00:36:19.175 --> 00:36:22.655 whenever you create an PR where we can use it. 764 00:36:22.655 --> 00:36:24.255 Yeah, sure, sure. I'll answer you that. 765 00:36:24.715 --> 00:36:26.695 So, um, GitHub actions, right? 766 00:36:26.695 --> 00:36:28.495 So whenever we create an issue, 767 00:36:28.495 --> 00:36:29.695 which is from the build side, 768 00:36:29.955 --> 00:36:32.095 and you can use these GitHub actions 769 00:36:32.105 --> 00:36:34.255 where you can merge your issue 770 00:36:34.475 --> 00:36:37.095 and your, uh, GitHub code there. 771 00:36:37.515 --> 00:36:40.055 So once while you create your pr, right, 772 00:36:40.445 --> 00:36:42.335 when you just give your issue number, 773 00:36:42.595 --> 00:36:45.175 all your PR status will also be, uh, 774 00:36:45.235 --> 00:36:47.975 in there in the gith, sorry, in the issues. 775 00:36:49.125 --> 00:36:50.505 So this is how we use it. 776 00:36:51.495 --> 00:36:53.955 And in the later sessions you also come to know some 777 00:36:53.955 --> 00:36:58.555 of us snap in session, be really 778 00:36:58.975 --> 00:36:59.955 to how, 779 00:37:13.035 --> 00:37:13.325 yeah. 780 00:37:14.275 --> 00:37:17.605 Cool. Any other questions? Happy to answer. 781 00:37:41.325 --> 00:37:44.255 Okay, great. Uh, if we have no other questions, I think 782 00:37:44.255 --> 00:37:45.615 that was it from us today. 783 00:37:45.615 --> 00:37:48.455 Thank you so much customer and uh, experience team. 784 00:37:48.875 --> 00:37:50.695 Uh, this was really, really insightful 785 00:37:51.035 --> 00:37:52.535 and thank you to everyone for joining. 786 00:37:52.775 --> 00:37:54.575 I hope you were able to take away, uh, 787 00:37:54.645 --> 00:37:56.055 some action items from this. 788 00:37:56.055 --> 00:37:59.255 And like Shivani said, if you would like to reach out to us 789 00:37:59.355 --> 00:38:01.855 and help, uh, and, you know, perform some 790 00:38:01.935 --> 00:38:04.335 of this on your own instance, you can always just, uh, 791 00:38:04.345 --> 00:38:05.855 reach out to us through our plug 792 00:38:06.395 --> 00:38:07.655 or any other support channel. 793 00:38:08.225 --> 00:38:09.225 Thank you so much. 794 00:38:12.275 --> 00:38:13.025 Thank you folks.

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