On this page

Conversation insights

  • Resolution rate

    The percentage of conversations resolved.

  • SLA compliance rate

    The percentage of conversations where the SLA was met out of all conversations where the SLA was applied.

  • Average CSAT score

    The average customer satisfaction score for conversations.

  • Average first response time

    The average time for the first response to customer conversations.

Customer & product impact

  • Active conversations per customer

    The number of conversations per customer that are Open or In Progress.

  • Active conversations per part

    The number of conversations per part that are Open or In Progress.

Conversation distribution

  • Conversations linked to tickets

    The percentage of tickets linked to conversations against standalone tickets.

  • Conversations created vs. closed

    The trend of conversations created against those closed.

  • Conversations created by channel

    A distribution of conversations categorized by their source channel.

  • Active conversations per owner

    The number of conversations per owner that are Open or In Progress.

Turing efficiency and customer satisfaction (CSAT)

  • Bot resolution

    The percentage of conversations resolved by the bot.

  • CSAT score distribution

    A distribution of customer satisfaction scores on conversations.