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Org tags sync

The Org tags sync snap-in is an automation tool designed to synchronize tags across multiple organizations.

When a new tag is created in the main organization, the snap-in ensures the tag is automatically propagated to all linked organizations. Updates to existing tags in the main organization are reflected in other organizations. Copies all existing tags from the main organization to all linked organizations via command.


Follow these steps to set up the Org tags sync snap-in:

  1. Go to Snap-ins > Org Tags Sync > Configure.

  2. Fill in the configuration settings.

    • Connect your snap-ins workspace: Go to the Connections and locate the Connect your Snap-ins workspace section. Click Search for Connections and select Org tags sync from the list of available options.
    • Enter connection details:
      • Connection Name: Provide a name for this connection. This can be any meaningful label that helps you identify the connection later.
      • Org # PAT: Enter the Personal Access Token (PAT) for the target organizations you wish to synchronize tags with.
  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Install to activate the snap-in.

Once the snap-in is installed, it automatically starts checking newly created and updated tags and creates or updates them on the linked organizations.

Trigger tag sync for existing tags

To create and update tags that were created before the snap-in was installed:

  1. Go to the Events/Discussions section in the snap-in.
  2. Enter the command: /org_tag_sync.
  3. Allow time for the process to complete—this may vary depending on the number of existing tags.