Conversation-Team Performance

  • Number of Owners

    Total number of conversation owners.

  • Avg SLA breaches per Owner

    The ratio of conversations with SLA breaches to the number of owners.

  • CSAT rating

    Average CSAT rating for conversation Owners.

  • Active Conversations

    A distribution of conversations in Open and In Progress states and the respective owners.

  • Closed Conversations

    A distribution of conversations in Closed state and the respective owners.

  • Average First Response Time

    Indicates the average time taken by each owner to provide the first response to the customer.

  • SLA breaches per Owner

    Number of Conversations with SLA breaches with breach type for ticket owners.

  • SLA breaches w.r.t. Customer Tier

    Number of Conversations with SLA breaches per owner.

  • Average Resolution Time

    Indicates the average time taken to resolve requests for each conversation owner.