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Collections serve as the parent categories for articles within your Customer Portal, establishing a hierarchical structure for organizing and presenting content to customers. By designating a collection as the parent, you create a top-level category. If you prefer to relocate this collection to another directory, you can change its parent directory accordingly.


Collections and parts are distinct entities. Collections categorize articles on the Customer Portal, while parts represent the structure and components of a product or service.

You can nest multiple collections within a single collection to create a well-structured framework for your customer support portal and PLuG widget by DevRev.

Visibility of articles and collections

The accessibility of a collection and its articles to customers depends on their combined visibility settings. Here are a few scenarios:

  • If a collection is not Public, none of the articles within it will be visible to customers, even if the articles are set to be Visible to Customers.

  • If a collection is Public, only the articles set to be Visible to Customers will be publicly accessible. If an article within the public collection is configured with visibility for Verified Customers, non-signed-in customers won’t be able to view it.

  • If a collection is Public but all the articles within it are intended for internal use only, the collection itself won’t be visible to the public in the help center.

Collection management

Create a collection

  1. Go to Settings > Support > Article Collections.

  2. Click +Collection and fill in the following details:

    • Title

    • Description

    • Parent

  3. Enable the Publish Collection option if you want your customers to see the collection and its articles in your help center.

  4. Click Create. You will now see the newly created collection on your screen.

Similarly, if you want to add a sub-collection, click on +Add next to the collection and follow the same process as outlined above to create the sub-collection.

Map an article to a collection

You can assign an article to a collection either from the collection itself or from the article's settings:

  • In Settings > Collections, click + Add next to the collection where you want to add the article, or drag and drop an article from one collection to another.

  • When creating or editing an article, specify the collection to which it belongs.

Repositioning Collections

The order of collections in your help center is determined by their arrangement in your DevRev account. You can change the position of a collection by dragging and dropping it on the homepage or by moving it within another collection.