Browse Snap-Ins
Bulk Ticket Uploader
by DevRev

Using the bulk ticket uploader snap-in, you can upload multiple tickets from a CSV file to DevRev. It can be used when migrating tickets from another system to DevRev or creating tickets in bulk from a CSV file.

How it works

In the Discussion tab of an account, ticket, or part, you can use the upload_tickets command to upload tickets from a CSV file to DevRev. The CSV file must contain the following columns:

Front page not loading,"This is a sample ticket body with “” quotes",DEVU-1,PROD-1,frontend
APIs returning errors,"The user.get API is returning 500",DEVU-2,PROD-2,backend

The Part, Tags, Description, and Owners columns are optional.

Note: If the CSV lists multiple owners, only the first is set as the owner in the DevRev ticket.


In the Discussion tab of an account, ticket, or part, you can create bulk tickets for customers and automatically assign them to a workspace.


For detailed installation and configuration instructions, refer to the bulk ticket uploader documentation.