case study / aditya-birla-capital

Aditya Birla Capital optimizes user experience with DevRev

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Aditya Birla Capital






Mumbai, India



The company

Aditya Birla Capital is a leading finance company in India. Recognized as a Fortune 500 company, it oversees assets of over 4 billion USD. Having a special focus on the insurance sector, it offers customers a wide range of solutions through its mobile apps. This allows 25+ million customers to access services from an extensive network of hospitals spread across the country.

The challenge

Limited user issue insights

The swift growth of digital technology has made it essential for finance leaders like Aditya Birla Capital to offer a mobile app that caters effectively to the needs of their users.

The app allows users to manage policy issuance, renewal, and claims processing effortlessly. However, challenges arose when users needed a better experience with the app. The support teams primarily depended on screenshots from users to diagnose issues. This method often resulted in delayed problem resolution, as screenshots might not adequately convey the exact nature of the issues.

Consequently, the reliance on user-provided screenshots impeded the delivery of prompt and effective solutions.

Struggle with issue identification

The development team was having trouble figuring out which interactions caused issues like crashes, ANRs, and UI freezes on certain screens for users. It was challenging for them to identify and solve these issues that happened occasionally or under specific conditions.

Navigating blind spots in the app

The product and design teams relied solely on quantitative data or anecdotal feedback, posing a challenge in gaining a nuanced understanding of actual user interactions within its app. This limitation hindered their ability to discern user engagement patterns and identify hotspots and dead zones encountered while navigating the app interface.

The solution

Support resolves issues independently

The support team started using DevRev PLuG to reproduce reported issues visually. They carefully examined the user journey, focusing on the screens where errors occurred.

It also provided a timeline of user interactions leading to the bugs, enhancing their comprehensive understanding of the issues. This approach empowered the team to conduct detailed, case-by-case investigations and deliver customized solutions. Additionally, it enabled them to quickly share video replays with the development team, especially for addressing critical issues.

Replicate and fix bugs faster

By using DevRev PLuG and stack trace to replay user sessions visually, the developers had insights into the specific actions triggering issues. This method greatly assisted in accurately reproducing and diagnosing the problems.

By combining session replay with a stack trace, they enhanced their debugging efforts, as it helped pinpoint the source of bugs more precisely — whether they stemmed from user actions, app functionalities, or interactions with connected APIs. This dual approach made identifying and resolving bugs much more efficient and effective.

Understand user interaction

DevRev PLuG helped the product and design teams understand user interactions and how to improve the UI. It highlighted areas in the app with frequent activity to indicate where users interact the most.

With this visibility, the design team evaluated the placement and effectiveness of key buttons throughout the app.

The impact

Faster bug diagnosis

With the implementation of DevRev PLuG, both the development and support teams were able to cut down on troubleshooting time significantly. The tool's on-demand user session recordings enabled the support team to visualize the issues reported in the mobile app instantly.

This meant no more time-consuming attempts to replicate bugs based solely on user descriptions. Instead, the replays provided clear visibility into the exact user steps and device actions that led to errors, allowing the team to identify the causes of issues quickly. This efficiency in pinpointing problems reduced the time needed from days to minutes. As a result, the teams could accelerate the deployment of fixes, significantly enhancing customer satisfaction by reducing app instability and improving overall user experience.

"Insights from DevRev drove a 30% reduction in our app crashes. Our customer behavior data lives in DevRev for our Android app so we can quickly identify and take action on any roadblocks across our UI/UX. It also helps our customer support team to debug issues in real-time. All this adds up to very comprehensive improvements and new features in DevRev"

Deeksha Anand, Design Head, Aditya Birla Health

Improved user journeys and feature adoption

The product and design teams now have a detailed insight into user interactions and behaviours within their mobile apps. Deeksha Anand, the Design Head, emphasized the significant impact of using heat-maps.

This tool lets the team quickly observe and understand user behavior in real-time. This powerful feature aids them in making iterative improvements to the app's interface. They can make informed decisions by analyzing how users interact with different app elements. This enabled the team to refine the design, paving for a more intuitive, user-friendly, and optimized app interface, ultimately enhancing the user experience.

Additionally, the product team effectively utilizes heat-maps to analyze user interest and usage patterns across the app's extensive range of over 50+ features. This analytical approach allows them to strategically prioritize developing and refining features that customers use more frequently.

The team can focus on the most significant impact areas by identifying which features are most popular and which might need enhancement. Consequently, this targeted approach to product development leads to improved feature adoption and an overall enhancement in the user journey.

As users find the app more aligned with their needs and preferences, this directly contributes to a better overall experience with the product.