Michael Machado


Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.

I find myself motivated by the dirt. To create lasting value, to build something larger than one's own contributions, you must venture into unpaved territory. This is where I find inspiration; inspiration to learn new skills, inspiration to build new products, and inspiration to connect with people with similar aspirations.

Before getting my Masters, I spent a Summer in Alaska as a commercial salmon set-netter in one of the world's most sustainable fisheries (ProtectBristolBay). Here I gained a new found appreciation for teamwork and what it takes to build trust. Working with an amazing group of individuals from around the world and sharing in the grueling 20+ hour / 7 days a week efforts that it takes to safely succeed in one of the world's harshest terrains, taught me how a motivated team can produce tremendous value.

The people and culture brought me to DevRev and convinced me that this is the right team to create a new technology category. The near decade I've spent in Enterprise Software has given me the opportunity to innovate across machine learning, voice, and collaboration applications, but the future of this industry is still an unpaved path. I believe it will require an even larger emphasis on Design, AI, and end user empathy. Those key tenants are what excite me about DevRev's Vision.

I am thrilled to be a part of this journey, to create the world's most customer centric company, and look forward to creating micro moments of joy for our customers and our customer's customers that will improve the lives of all our users.