Khushboo Mittal


Believe in Yourself

Nothing is impossible in this world as long as you are willing to attempt and each attempt provides new exposure and unlocks the possibilities of experiences you have been missing in life. It's one life, experience it all as Experience is the real treasure. I always believed that I could do more than what I am satisfying, create more impact, touch more lives, change things for good and that is what kept me driving towards different paths in life and career. It is important to me to be honest and disciplined to the cause, that's the ONLY way of life. DevRev comes to me just at the time when I felt I needed to grill myself at unknown things and do justice to my potential. It's so visionary (& dreamy) how DevRev is looking for not just the most brilliant minds (to do the job) but also the honest hearts (to do it right); hiring people for not just what they know but for who they are. And that is a recipe of Trust and Success to me.