Chandra Nath
Strategic Ops
It’s always about the North Star.
As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been driven by the outcome - whether it was a video game score, time in a race, grades in school or sales in a business. When I played video games as a child, I always wanted the highest score. I would start by playing the same way as my friends, but would eventually find hacks/secrets to “break” the traditional scoring methods. I’d often weirdly try different key combinations and end up cracking a code. I wouldn’t care about the boundary conditions, even if others thought it might be unfair and as long as I wasn’t breaking any rules.My outcome maniacalism guides my mental models at work in the same way - always in search of finding a new, better and faster way. In my past investment banking career and while at other formidable and reputable institutions, I saw well-oiled products and processes that left little room for innovation or experimentation. Despite finding rules or restrictions somewhat stifling, I’d never lose sight of the tangible, measurable outcome - my North Star - and would figure out how to optimize within any immovable constraints to get there.
At DevRev, with a blank canvas, we can create, design, hack and challenge everything and have already started to build operations in a way the world hasn’t seen yet. We’re redefining and morphing seemingly mature functions - culture, talent, HR, real estate, travel - into 100x better versions. We’re building for the workforce of the future which lives up to DevRev’s mission of building the most trustworthy place to work. It is so liberating - I feel like a bird flying toward a limitless horizon.